Power Profiler Kit II: RGB LED fade affects DUT and measurement results


we are trying to use the PPK2 to supply and profile a custom device with audio amplifiers. During our tests a 400Hz (+harmonics) noise showed up our our audio path when the PPK2 was used to measure the current.

The same signal can also be extracted from the measured current samples themselves (using numpy FFT on the recorded CSV data).

It also can be reproduced with a simple setup shown below:

Simplified Setup:

  • Connect the PPK2 to a PC with one USB cable to the Data/Power connector
  • Connect a plain resistor (used a 680 ohm here) between Vout and adjacent Gnd pin on P1.
  • Use nRF connect for PC to collect data (100kSamples, 60s duration, 1.2V output voltage, output supply ON)
  • export and analyze the resulting samples.

Using this setup, a constant current would be expected.

Used devices/ SW: Windows 10, nRF connect 4.2.0, Power Profiler 3.5.5, PPK2 HW 1.0.1

Suspected Cause:

After some more investigation, it seems that this is caused by the onboard RGB leds pulsing during measurement (which is done with a 400Hz PWM signal, as seen on TP 37/38/39).

The noise at 400Hz pulsates with the LEDs fade, peaking during the fade's 50% point.

I tried to find the root cause, but it actually is hard to measure the noise on the output itself.

It is visible on some points on the PPK2 itself, e.g. the VREF_IA.

However, a quick test showed that the noise disappeared when the RGB LED is disconnected (cutting through TP 37/38/39, which cuts the trace from the LED control MOSFET to the LED itself).

It also is not visible in our full setup's audio path, when the PPK2 is not measuring (-> LED stay solid red, no PWM).

Measurement Data:

current samples from CSV, numpy FFT (raw current data is ~100MB but can be provided if needed)

voltage on VREF_IA:

--(below is another setup/measurement run)--

measurement on our custom device audio path, unmodified PPK2:

meaurement on our custom device audio path, PPK2 with LED traces cut:

note: there seems to be yet another noise at 200 Hz, but that is affecting our measurement much less, since the harmonics do not reach the 5kHz test tone, and another component which seems to be related to USB (carrier always visible at 8kHz, spectrum widening with data transfer)

Proposed Solution:

  • For future HW revisions, the decoupling of LED control and measurement / reference supply could be investigated and fixed.
  • For current devices, an easy fix would be to include a firmware fix to disable the LED fade (or the LED output completely).

Could you please add this as a setting to the firmware?

Best regards,


  • Hi Patrick,


    First off, I must apologize for the inconvenience this issue has caused. It is clear that you have put time and resources into improving this scenario, which is reflected in the detailed bug report that you've submitted to us.

    I must thank you so much for helping us improve our design and deliveries, this is highly appreciated!


    We will ofcourse address this issue, but I can already confirm your observations after consulting with R&D; the fading LED does indeed add noise to the measurements.

    We will look into improving this noise component, as per your proposed solution.


    Kind regards,


  • Hi Håkon,

    thank you for the kind words and also thank you and your R&D for investigating this.

    Looking forward to your solution!

    Will you be releasing a new firmware update for existing devices?
    We have a number of PPK2 in use that would need the modification, I could get started on that, but of course would prefer a firmware solution rather than taking a knife to the board Slight smile

    Best regards,

  • Hi Patrick,


    Asaril said:
    Will you be releasing a new firmware update for existing devices?

    Yes, we will release a new version for existing hardware. I do not have the overall details on how configurable this will be, but it is likely going to be a solid state when sampling (ie. no PWM), and/or possibly an update to the GUI to turn the LED feature on/off completely.


    We'll make sure that you do not have to go through surgery to get less noise in your measurements in the future :)


    Kind regards,

