9160 unable to connect to nrf Cloud.


I was working on nrf9160-dk with assert_trakker_v2 application successfully connecting to nrf Cloud. There was no problem.

Today I started the day by deleting it from my nrf Cloud, generating certificates again, programming everything from scratch. And unfortunately, I can't connect to nrf Cloud anymore.

I got error : nrf_cloud_integration: NRF_CLOUD_EVT_TRANSPORT_CONNECT_ERROR: -9 but i really can't find sollution. 

Nothing helps, erasing the board, reprogramming, generating certificates again. 

Below logs from rtt consol, nrfCloud, at terminal

Guys: you are the only hope for me ;)

  • I am having a similar issue. My nRF9161 DK connects successfully to LTE, but fails to connect to nRF Cloud with a similar error message (attached screenshots).

    nrf_cloud_integration: NRF_CLOUD_EVT_TRANSPORT_CONNECT_ERROR: -3

    I was also having the issue of not being able to add the device to nRF Cloud. I followed one of the threads in the forum that suggested to use an older version of the Asset_Tracker_v2 NB-IoT application (nrf9160dk_asset_tracker_v2_nbiot_legacy_pco_2023-06-01_0677b099.hex). It did work and provisioned my device successfully, I could then see it in nRF Cloud. However I couldn't do much with it, because I don't have the whole project, only the .hex file, so I tried going back to the "Asset_Tracker_v2" from the samples.

    I know the device is now provisioned and linked to my nRF Cloud, I know it connects to LTE, but fails to connect to nRF Cloud with this code. Hopefully someone can shine some light into the matter because I already spent a few days on this and I am making no progress. Thanks!

  • I am having a similar issue. My nRF9161 DK connects successfully to LTE, but fails to connect to nRF Cloud with a similar error message (attached screenshots).

    nrf_cloud_integration: NRF_CLOUD_EVT_TRANSPORT_CONNECT_ERROR: -3

    I was also having the issue of not being able to add the device to nRF Cloud. I followed one of the threads in the forum that suggested to use an older version of the Asset_Tracker_v2 NB-IoT application (nrf9160dk_asset_tracker_v2_nbiot_legacy_pco_2023-06-01_0677b099.hex). It did work and provisioned my device successfully, I could then see it in nRF Cloud. However I couldn't do much with it, because I don't have the whole project, only the .hex file, so I tried going back to the "Asset_Tracker_v2" from the samples.

    I know the device is now provisioned and linked to my nRF Cloud, I know it connects to LTE, but fails to connect to nRF Cloud with this code. Hopefully someone can shine some light into the matter because I already spent a few days on this and I am making no progress. Thanks!

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