"Failed to fetch available toolchains." on Visual Studio Code


I wanna evaluate nRF52840-DK. However, when I tried to install Toolchain on Visual Studio Code, a message "Failed to fetch available toolchains." is displayed.

"nRF Connect for VS Code Extension Pack" is installed.
I clicked "Install Toolchain" bottun in the WELCOM view, and then "Failed to fetch available toolchains." is displayed.

I reffered to the bellow URL to do that.

I know a similar Q&A (the bellow URL), but don't know the cause. 

My enviroment is the following.
Windows10 64bit
Visual Studio Code ver 1.85.1

Do you know any hints about this?
Thank you.

Parents Reply
  • Thank you for your reply.

    Yes, my computer is in our company network and behind the firewall.
    Could you tell me applications or domains that I have to allow their connections?

    In a log file "2-nRF Connect.log", the following message is shown.


    [16:31:54] nrfutil-toolchain-manager: Error: Failed to retrieve toolchain-index

    Caused by:
    0: Failed to download index
    1: Get request failed
    2: developer.nordicsemi.com/.../index-windows-x86_64.json: Connection Failed: tls connection init failed: invalid peer certificate: UnknownIssuer
    3: invalid peer certificate: UnknownIssuer

    And, I tried to install "nRF Connect for Desktop" and click the install button of "Toolchain Manager", then the bellow popup was displayed. 

    Thank you.
