DFU Package overlapping segment

I am kind of dumbly following a guide and got as far as collecting the .hex files and attempting to merge a dfu package using the nrf-command-line-tools;

\ota_dfu_util> .\nrf-command-line-tools\bin\mergehex.exe --merge OSL_DFU_Settings.hex OSL_Bootloader.hex s112_nrf52_7.2.0_softdevice.hex OSL_Firmware.hex --output OSL_DFU_Package.hex
Parsing input files.
Merging file "OSL_DFU_Settings.hex" into output.
Merging file "OSL_Bootloader.hex" into output.
Merging file "s112_nrf52_7.2.0_softdevice.hex" into output.
Merging file "OSL_Firmware.hex" into output.

So this error is lost on me. Guidance would be greatly appreciated.


Kevin Lamb

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