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Hello, when the device NRF8001 starts Advertise, it sends out only one packet and unexpectedly terminates with a fatal hardware error in "ll_ctrl.s0.c" line 572. This happens only once after initial setup of the chip. Between device setup and advertise there is as long as 10 seconds gap. The chip is: NRF D 8001 1231EA

Any idea what is the cause of that? Thank you Martin

  • Hi Martin,

    Unfortunately I don’t know what could cause this. Could you please check that you are not sending any zero byte packets to the nRF8001. Could you also upload the configuration XML and the command sequence you are using so we can see what you are doing?


  • Could you also try adding a 10 ms delay from the previous ACI event before you start to advertise?

  • Hi Runar, I've done some investigation and I noticed that the setup commands (in "services.h") are little bit different. When originated from version nRFgo Studio and from previous version namely NRF8001 that is running setup commands from 1.14 works well in opposite to setup commands from 1.16 that cause hw error message after first Advertise data.

    I would post XML and services.h, but I don't know how to put here a file. Nevertheless, the only difference is here:

    "services_1.14.h" [...] #define SETUP_MESSAGES_CONTENT {


    "services_1.16.h" [...] #define SETUP_MESSAGES_CONTENT {

    Regarding to this problem, but not only this one - is there any document with a description of setup commands format? Personally for me it would be very valuable to know it. Because I need to switch at startup different modes at runtime - for example 32kHz oscillator running from internal RC or from external digital signal (it depends on a hardware and the controller surely know this exactly). The workaround tends me to include several configuration and load appropriate one to NRF8001, but this solution is so ugly...

    Thank you, Martin
