[nRF Connect for VS Code][BUG?] Debugging in vscode does not restore target state when stopping a debug session


as mentioned in the title, when using the official vscode extension (nRF Connect for VS Code) for debugging and stopping a debug session, the target state does not get restored. Apparently the debugging interface is just left powered on even after the debug session is stopped, which leads to a high power consumption. That's actually the reason why I discovered this (at the time of writing this, not yet confirmed) bug.

Background on the power consumption observation: I have a stripped down board here with essentially nothing but a nrf52840 on it. I'm running a zephyr based firmware on it to get it to consume as little current as possible at 3V. The firmware just does a `k_sleep(K_FOREVER);`, that's it. All peripherals should be disabled. I get a current draw of about 5,2 uA (measured with KEITHLEY and ROHDE&SCHWARTZ power supply) that way. With the debugger connected the current draw is around 30 uA. So Far everything is normal and as expected.

When I start a debug session via the vscode plugin, of course the current consumption goes significantly up, to 1.5 mA. After stopping the debugging session the (button with red square in vscode), the current consumption rises a bit more to 1.6 mA and stays there. I found this post:  Resetting DIF to reduce interface current on nRF52 

It explains how to turn off the debugging interface with commands via JLinkExe:

SWDWriteDP 1 0x04000000

After doing this, I'm back to the expected 30 uA as before. Therefore I think that the extension is just not resetting the target state.

In contrast here is what happens with Cortex-Debug extension for vscode (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=marus25.cortex-debug) in the gdb-server terminal that pops up:

GDB closed TCP/IP connection (Socket 13)
Restoring target state and closing J-Link connection...
Shutting down..

and the current consumption goes back to 30 uA as expected.

With the nrf-connect extension when stopping the debugging session I only see in the debug console:


Kill the program being debugged? (y or n) [answered Y; input not from terminal]
[Inferior 1 (Remote target) killed]
JLinkGDBServerCLExe: GDB closed TCP/IP connection (Socket 12)
The program '/home/alex/workspace/window-sensor-new/firmware/application_firmware/sample/button-led/build_maco_contact_type1/zephyr/zephyr.elf' has exited with code 0 (0x00000000).


But no trace of "Restoring target state and closing J-Link connection...".

After investigating a bit more, it seems to me that the cortex-debug extension simply uses the JLinkGDBServerCLExe underneath. If I manually do:

`nrfjprog --reset &&  JLinkGDBServerCLExe -if swd -device NRF52840_xxaa -speed 4000 -nogui -nohalt -noir`


I see the same current draw increase to 1.5 mA. After closing the gdb server (ctrl+c) I see:


Waiting for GDB connection...^CRestoring target state and closing J-Link connection...
Shutting down...


So the target state seems to be restored here as well. 

What does the nRF Connect for VS Code do differently? Does it not use `JLinkGDBServerCLExe` underneath? Does it stop/kill it differently so that it does not do the "Restoring target state and closing J-Link connection..."? Is this a bug?

  • lx_brz said:

    With regard to turning off the debug interface, this is correct, but not with regard to breakpoints. As mentioned, the breakpoints remain active even after stopping the debug session. When you power cycle the board and have no debugger attached, the device will hit the breakpoints that the extension did not remove on disconnect and will run into a hard fault.

    Well that is strange. I see now that you mentioned this in your previous response as well, I didn't notice that before.

    Are you seeing this with a DK as well? I just tried it here, with a few breakpoints on a Blinky sample, and restarting it seemed to do the trick. I didn't think the debugger actually patched the flash itself. How are you testing this on your side?

    lx_brz said:
    No worries, all good, that's why I'm here to annoy you guys with my questions Slight smile

    Hehe sounds good Thumbsup Keep them coming!



  • Are you seeing this with a DK as well?

    I took me some time, but I was able to create a minimal working example that shows the same problem with the nrf52DK board and a slightly modified blinky application. With the following setup the problem is reproducible 100% of the time on my side. It was a bit tricky to find a configuration that shows this though, a lot of trial and error.

    Modified code:

     * Copyright (c) 2016 Intel Corporation
     * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
    #include <zephyr/kernel.h>
    #include <zephyr/logging/log.h>
    #include <zephyr/drivers/gpio.h>
    /* 1000 msec = 1 sec */
    #define SLEEP_TIME_MS 1000
    /* The devicetree node identifier for the "led0" alias. */
    #define LED0_NODE DT_ALIAS(led0)
     * A build error on this line means your board is unsupported.
     * See the sample documentation for information on how to fix this.
    static const struct gpio_dt_spec led = GPIO_DT_SPEC_GET(LED0_NODE, gpios);
    const char *foo = "foo";
    int main(void)
    	int ret;
    	if (!gpio_is_ready_dt(&led)) {
    		return 0;
    	ret = gpio_pin_configure_dt(&led, GPIO_OUTPUT_ACTIVE);
    	if (ret < 0) {
    		return 0;
    	while (1) {
    		LOG_WRN("loop 1 %s", foo);
    		LOG_WRN("loop 2 %s", foo);
    		LOG_WRN("loop 3 %s", foo);
    		LOG_WRN("loop 4 %s", foo);
    		ret = gpio_pin_toggle_dt(&led);
    		if (ret < 0) {
    			return 0;
    	return 0;

    modified prj.conf (this is important, even minor changes to the conf change the behavior):


    Software versions:

    zephyr tag: "tag: v3.4.99-ncs1"

    JLink: SEGGER J-Link GDB Server V7.94e Command Line Version

    nRF connect for vscode: v2024.2.214

    Zephyr SDK: 0.16.5

    arm-zephyr-eabi-gdb --version: GNU gdb (Zephyr SDK 0.16.5) 12.1


        // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
        // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
        // For more information, visit: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=830387
        "version": "0.2.0",
        "configurations": [
                "type": "nrf-connect",
                "request": "launch",
                "name": "Launch active build configuration",
                "config": "${activeConfig}",
                "flash": false,
                "logging": {
                    "programOutput": true,
                    "engineLogging": false,
                    "trace": false,
                    "traceResponse": false
                "gdbPath": "arm-zephyr-eabi-gdb",
                "serverArgs": "-if swd -device nRF52840_xxAA -select usb=${snr} -speed 4000 -port ${port} -singlerun -nogui -halt -noir -nosilent -rtos ${rtosPlugin}"

    Now to reproduce do:

    1. flash code to the board, frown the build folder I do: nrfjprog --recover --program zephyr/zephyr.hex  && nrfjprog --reset

    2. set breakpoints as follows and start debugging, hit the first breakpoint:

    3. Stop the debugging (red square button)

    4. Remove all breakpoints ("zephyr: fatal errors" in bottom right is left active)

    5. Start debugging again, here is the problem, you will hit a ghost breakpoint:

    This is the state/problem that I am referring to. I it is not impossible to remove this breakpoint, except by reflashing the chip.

    Also you can see that power cycling does not solve the issue by unplugging and replugging the DK board, because you will see the LED being on most of the time, turning off for short period of time (definitely not 1 seconds as before). I think this is due to the board restarting when hitting the breakpoint, not sure.

    Also while searching for a minimal case where this is 100% reproducible I ran across several very strange problems which are probably related. For example:

    Comment out the following in prj.conf and repeat the exact steps from above.


    Suddenly you will always land here:

    I hope you can reproduce this on your side?

  • So the one called 840hisBuild.hex should be the one from your buildfolder, so it would be strange if that now acts as expected. Maybe there are some issues here with the flashing itself. Have you made sure that the switches are in the right positions and nRF Power source is set to VDD? Is anything shorted on the board?

    Power cycling the board after flashing is either way a good idea. 

    lx_brz said:

    I attached again an archive of my build folder. Also I attached a video to show you the bug as I am experiencing it, maybe it helps to understand it better.

    Great, I'll have a look at this debugger issue again later this week. 



  • So the one called 840hisBuild.hex should be the one from your buildfolder, so it would be strange if that now acts as expected. Maybe there are some issues here with the flashing itself. Have you made sure that the switches are in the right positions and nRF Power source is set to VDD? Is anything shorted on the board?

    It is the same file, yes. Why would it be strange that everything is as expected? The issue occurs after flashing this file and setting breakpoints via the nrf extension. If I just flash the file and don't try to debug it and to set breakpoints, then there are no problems, which is expected.

    With regard to hardware everything should be ok, no shorts and nothing. Also this issue occurs on another board. And additionally as I have written at the very top, this problem does not occur with the "cortex-debug" extension, only with the official nrf extension.

    Maybe there is still a misunderstanding about what the problem exactly is? Could you please watch the video? It should make the problem  quite obvious.



  • Hi, It is a long weekend for many in Norway and many are away today. You will most likely get a response on Monday.
    Thanks you for your patience so far.

  • Hello again, I am deeply sorry about the wait.

    I have a tried the steps you've outlined before a few more times, with different DKs and computers. And once or twice I think I've run into somewhat what you describe. I find it very hard to reproduce it consistenIy though, and isolate all the variables. I find these ghost breapoints, but when I then reset the board, it does go back to blinking normally again. 

    I was thinking it might have something to do with version of the OB debugger/programmer. What DK versions are you using?

    lx_brz said:
    It is the same file, yes. Why would it be strange that everything is as expected? The issue occurs after flashing this file and setting breakpoints via the nrf extension.

    Yeah that is a point, nevermind that.



  • Hi Elfving,

    no worries, thanks for the reply! 

    I find it very hard to reproduce it consistenIy though, and isolate all the variables.

    Strange, for me it is reproducible 100% every time.

    I find these ghost variables, but when I then reset the board, it does go back to blinking normally again. 

    It has been some time ago since I experimented with this now, but I remember that one as to look very closely to see a difference in the blinking duration. It looks almost normal when the board is rebooting after hitting an unhandled brk instruction.

    I was thinking it might have something to do with version of the OB debugger/programmer. What DK versions are you using?

    Where exactly can I see the DK version? There is a sticker on it saying:







    Is that what you mean? I also observe the same problem using our custom board an a SEGGER J-Link 10.1


  • Hi Elfving,

    no worries, thanks for the reply! 

    I find it very hard to reproduce it consistenIy though, and isolate all the variables.

    Strange, for me it is reproducible 100% every time.

    I find these ghost variables, but when I then reset the board, it does go back to blinking normally again. 

    It has been some time ago since I experimented with this now, but I remember that one as to look very closely to see a difference in the blinking duration. It looks almost normal when the board is rebooting after hitting an unhandled brk instruction.

    I was thinking it might have something to do with version of the OB debugger/programmer. What DK versions are you using?

    Where exactly can I see the DK version? There is a sticker on it saying:







    Is that what you mean? I also observe the same problem using our custom board an a SEGGER J-Link 10.1


  • lx_brz said:


    Yes, that is what I was looking for.

    I want to say that I managed to reproduce it on another v2.0.0 DK, but what actually happened is that I managed to get this problem on the v2 (even though restarting it still fixes everything for me), and then after trying it on a v3 DK I am no longer able to show this issue on the v2 one. -_-

    What version is the other DK you tried?



  • It happens on every development kit and also every custom board that we designed that I tried so far. 100% reproducible. I have just tried a completely new DK that I didn't use before, the nRF5340 development kit (nrf5340dk_nrf5340_cpuapp_ns zephyr board target). This one also has 2.0.0 written on it. It shows the same issues.

    Edit: unplugging and replugging the board the break point was gone. But other than that the "ghost breakpoint" behavior is the same as in the video I uploaded.
