nRF52840 Dongle: Console log & Ant+

Good afternoon.

I have asked for help before regarding my nRF52840 Dongle and Ant+ and you have helped me a lot!
But I have one more difficulty - I have an error when initializing Ant+ (ant_init failed: -2).
Since I am writing code in nRF Connect SDK - I can't connect my Dongle directly. Instead I write a HEX file (zephyr.hex) to my Dongle using your Programmer. This actually makes the debugging process a bit complicated.

Hence the first question - can I somehow connect the Dongle to the console or not?
The second question is how do I fix this error? As far as I understand, I need the S340 firmware. I read about it somewhere. If so, please tell me how to download it using your Programmer.

Thank you very much for your help,
Sincerely, Victor

  • S340 is SoftDevice/nRF5 SDK terminology, which doesn't apply to nRF Connect SDK.

    For this SDK, ANT support is provided as a linkable library and there is no additional firmware to be downloaded. It sounds like you've been able to sign up on, access the repo, and build something, so that is good. All functionality of your application will be included in the Zephyr HEX.

    Are you starting from an ANT sample application? Have you supplied a valid key? (ie. CONFIG_ANT_EVALUATION_KEY=y)

  • S340 is SoftDevice/nRF5 SDK terminology, which doesn't apply to nRF Connect SDK.

    For this SDK, ANT support is provided as a linkable library and there is no additional firmware to be downloaded. It sounds like you've been able to sign up on, access the repo, and build something, so that is good. All functionality of your application will be included in the Zephyr HEX.

    Are you starting from an ANT sample application? Have you supplied a valid key? (ie. CONFIG_ANT_EVALUATION_KEY=y)

  • Good afternoon.
    Sorry for not answering right away, I was busy.
    Yes, I selected "CONFIG_ANT_EVALUATION_KEY=y"
    Here is my prj.conf:

    (edit: tech support removed this picture since it contained unique key that should not be shared)

    And here, in source file, I get an error:

    Btw, #define ANT_VERSION_STRING "1.02.00"  ///< ANT version number
    Maybe you can help me with this?

  • Setting CONFIG_ANT_EVALUATION_KEY=y will set a default key for evaluation use. Subsequently setting CONFIG_ANT_LICENSE_KEY will override that default, so you don't need to use both.

    I'd recommend commenting out your CONFIG_ANT_LICENSE_KEY setting and just using CONFIG_ANT_EVALUATION_KEY=y as a sanity check for your build environment and HW. 

    After that, please double check that the license key is correct. Your key is unique and should not be shared or posted publicly. If you are still having problems, please contact for support.
