Unable to run the Sidewalk samples in 2.6.0

Hello, I am trying to get the latest hello or dut samples to work for sidewalk in the 2.6.0 release but I am running into an issue with a panic when booting. I have had sidewalk working on the past releases(2.5.2) but I am unable to get these latest 2.6.0 samples to boot. I end up getting panic in the bootloader. This happens on my custom hardware and on an unmodified 52840dk.

Here is where the panic happens.

Thread 2 received signal SIGTRAP, Trace/breakpoint trap.
context_boot_go (state=state@entry=0x2000147c <boot_data>, rsp=rsp@entry=0x20004c54 <z_main_stack-47148>) at C:/ncs/v2.6.0/bootloader/mcuboot/boot/bootutil/src/loader.c:2324
2324	                FIH_PANIC;

Here is my configuration for the sample.

Parents Reply
  • Doesn't seem to be anything in the migration guide that helps. I am also not trying to migrate to anything. I am installing a clean copy of the 2.6.0 toolchain and trying to run the samples but cannot get past the bootloader. Unless there is something incompatible with the sidewalk certificate I have been using on the new version I am not sure why it wouldn't work. The certs are still stored in the same location on the device and shouldn't impact the bootloader.

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