Matter Litghtswitch example v2.6.0 not connecting to border router control system. (Smartthings Station )

While experimenting with the v2.6.0 set of matter examples, it was noticed by an associate that the LightSwitch example doesn't seem to want to connect to any networks. This is compiled right in the directory C:\ncs\v2.6.0\nrf\samples\matter\light_switch. This is with the nrf52840-DK board, using the prj_no_dfu.conf and the standard overlay for the nrf52840 dk board. 

The Lightbulb example works fine, connects properly. Anyone seen this occur?

P.S. why doesn't the tags engine have a Matter  tag?

  • Hi A M,

    At which point in the connection procedure does the device fail?

    Please share the log from the DK from boot to unsuccessful connection.

    Best regards,


    P.S. I added a Matter tag manually for your ticket.

  • Sorry about the delay on this. 
    This is the 2.6.0 version of the Matter Switch example. 

    After starting the Binding, the above is shown on the serial output. After this, the connection will time out.

    This is an nrf52840DK board, the no dfu build I believe.

    oops, you asked for the full boot 
    uart:~$ *** Booting nRF Connect SDK v3.5.99-ncs1 ***
    I: 24 [DL]BLE address: EC:D7:A9:79:C5:7A
    I: 33 [DL]CHIP task running
    I: Init CHIP stack
    I: 39 [DL]OpenThread started: OK
    I: 42 [DL]Setting OpenThread device type to SLEEPY END DEVICE
    I: 48 [SVR]Subscription persistence not supported
    I: 52 [SVR]Server initializing...
    I: 55 [TS]Last Known Good Time: 2023-10-14T01:16:48
    I: 60 [DMG]AccessControl: initializing
    I: 64 [DMG]Examples::AccessControlDelegate::Init
    I: 68 [DMG]AccessControl: setting
    I: 71 [DMG]DefaultAclStorage: initializing
    I: 75 [DMG]DefaultAclStorage: 0 entries loaded
    D: 79 [IN]UDP::Init bind&listen port=5540
    D: 83 [IN]UDP::Init bound to port=5540
    D: 87 [IN]BLEBase::Init - setting/overriding transport
    D: 92 [IN]TransportMgr initialized
    D: 98 [DL]Using Thread extended MAC for hostname.
    I: 104 [ZCL]Using ZAP configuration...
    I: 108 [DMG]AccessControlCluster: initializing
    D: 113 [DL]Boot reason: 1
    I: 115 [ZCL]Initiating Admin Commissioning cluster.
    I: 120 [DIS]Updating services using commissioning mode 0
    E: 125 [DIS]Failed to remove advertised services: 3
    E: 130 [DIS]Failed to finalize service update: 3
    I: 134 [IN]CASE Server enabling CASE session setups
    D: 139 [IN]SecureSession[0x20002f80]: Allocated Type:2 LSID:32800
    I: 145 [SVR]Joining Multicast groups
    I: 148 [SVR]Server Listening...
    I: 151 [DL]Device Configuration:
    I: 154 [DL] Serial Number: 11223344556677889900
    I: 159 [DL] Vendor Id: 65521 (0xFFF1)
    I: 162 [DL] Product Id: 32772 (0x8004)
    I: 166 [DL] Product Name: not-specified
    I: 170 [DL] Hardware Version: 0
    I: 173 [DL] Setup Pin Code (0 for UNKNOWN/ERROR): 20202021
    I: 178 [DL] Setup Discriminator (0xFFFF for UNKNOWN/ERROR): 3840 (0xF00)
    I: 185 [DL] Manufacturing Date: (not set)
    I: 189 [DL] Device Type: 65535 (0xFFFF)
    I: 193 [SVR]SetupQRCode: [MT:4CT9142C00KA0648G00]
    I: 198 [SVR]Copy/paste the below URL in a browser to see the QR Code:
    I: 204 [SVR]
    I: 213 [SVR]Manual pairing code: [34970112332]
    I: Initialize binding Handler
    I: 220 [SVR]Cannot load binding table: a0
    I: Binding Table size: [0]:
    E: 226 [DL]Long dispatch time: 190 ms, for event type 2

  • Sorry about the delay on this. 
    This is the 2.6.0 version of the Matter Switch example. 

    After starting the Binding, the above is shown on the serial output. After this, the connection will time out.

    This is an nrf52840DK board, the no dfu build I believe.

    oops, you asked for the full boot 
    uart:~$ *** Booting nRF Connect SDK v3.5.99-ncs1 ***
    I: 24 [DL]BLE address: EC:D7:A9:79:C5:7A
    I: 33 [DL]CHIP task running
    I: Init CHIP stack
    I: 39 [DL]OpenThread started: OK
    I: 42 [DL]Setting OpenThread device type to SLEEPY END DEVICE
    I: 48 [SVR]Subscription persistence not supported
    I: 52 [SVR]Server initializing...
    I: 55 [TS]Last Known Good Time: 2023-10-14T01:16:48
    I: 60 [DMG]AccessControl: initializing
    I: 64 [DMG]Examples::AccessControlDelegate::Init
    I: 68 [DMG]AccessControl: setting
    I: 71 [DMG]DefaultAclStorage: initializing
    I: 75 [DMG]DefaultAclStorage: 0 entries loaded
    D: 79 [IN]UDP::Init bind&listen port=5540
    D: 83 [IN]UDP::Init bound to port=5540
    D: 87 [IN]BLEBase::Init - setting/overriding transport
    D: 92 [IN]TransportMgr initialized
    D: 98 [DL]Using Thread extended MAC for hostname.
    I: 104 [ZCL]Using ZAP configuration...
    I: 108 [DMG]AccessControlCluster: initializing
    D: 113 [DL]Boot reason: 1
    I: 115 [ZCL]Initiating Admin Commissioning cluster.
    I: 120 [DIS]Updating services using commissioning mode 0
    E: 125 [DIS]Failed to remove advertised services: 3
    E: 130 [DIS]Failed to finalize service update: 3
    I: 134 [IN]CASE Server enabling CASE session setups
    D: 139 [IN]SecureSession[0x20002f80]: Allocated Type:2 LSID:32800
    I: 145 [SVR]Joining Multicast groups
    I: 148 [SVR]Server Listening...
    I: 151 [DL]Device Configuration:
    I: 154 [DL] Serial Number: 11223344556677889900
    I: 159 [DL] Vendor Id: 65521 (0xFFF1)
    I: 162 [DL] Product Id: 32772 (0x8004)
    I: 166 [DL] Product Name: not-specified
    I: 170 [DL] Hardware Version: 0
    I: 173 [DL] Setup Pin Code (0 for UNKNOWN/ERROR): 20202021
    I: 178 [DL] Setup Discriminator (0xFFFF for UNKNOWN/ERROR): 3840 (0xF00)
    I: 185 [DL] Manufacturing Date: (not set)
    I: 189 [DL] Device Type: 65535 (0xFFFF)
    I: 193 [SVR]SetupQRCode: [MT:4CT9142C00KA0648G00]
    I: 198 [SVR]Copy/paste the below URL in a browser to see the QR Code:
    I: 204 [SVR]
    I: 213 [SVR]Manual pairing code: [34970112332]
    I: Initialize binding Handler
    I: 220 [SVR]Cannot load binding table: a0
    I: Binding Table size: [0]:
    E: 226 [DL]Long dispatch time: 190 ms, for event type 2
