Building infinite loop


I am currently finishing the intermediate SDK course of yours and suddenly I got a really strange behavior.

The build just endlessly enters a loop in Found GnuLd as the screenshot shows. I have already tried restarting my computer and SDK and also tried touching VScode with a different SDK version. None worked. 

Any idea? 


SDK version: 2.6.0

Build target: nRF5340 Audio DK

OS: MacOS Sonoma 14.1.2

Parents Reply
  • Dejans,

    I had the exact same behavior Chris had. I didn't try using NCS 2.5 with 2.6 toolchain, but did use NCS 2.6 with older toolchains (not only 2.5, but some others as well) and it made no difference. 

    After trying changing everything and resinstaling the toolchains with no success, I resintalled every other possible thing - NCS, J-Link and the VSCode extensions and by doing this it finally works. No idea why, but it does"


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