Persistent Address Conflict Issues


I'm encountering persistent address conflict issues within my Nordic project. 

Occasionally, when a device joins the network, I observe address conflict errors. Despite attempts to rectify the issue by modifying the short address at the coordinator level, the problem persists.

According to the documentation, the network should autonomously resolve these conflicts. However, this does not seem to be the case. The conflict persists indefinitely, causing disruptions and instability within the network.

Any insights or suggestions on troubleshooting this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your attention to this issue.


  • Hi,

    Which version of the SDK are you using?

    The sniffer log shows that the device's address has changed as a result of the address conflict, from 0x34e2 to 0x4d13 in packet number 34. However, the address conflict again starts with the new address.
    I cannot see any other devices with the same network address as this device in the sniffer log, but I do see some packets from the device where the IEEE address is omitted. It seems like this is causing the issue, making the other devices believe that the packets from 0x4d13 without the IEEE address are sent from a different device than the ones including the IEEE address (f4:ce:36:45:86:1c:55:97).

    Do you have application logs from the devices as well?

    Best regards,

  • Hello Marte,

    I appreciate your assistance. During this particular test, I was using SDK version 2.5.1. However, last week, I updated to version 2.6.0. If I encounter the same issue in the new version, I'll be sure to send you the logs for further analysis.

    I'm curious about why IEEE addresses can sometimes be omitted, why is this happening? Could you please point out instances where you've observed this? 

    In our debugging process, we've implemented additional traces and logic. When a router fails to join a coordinator after multiple attempts, we first erase Zigbee persistent data. If the issue persists, we then resort to restarting the device and clearing persistent memory each time. We do this because we see some behavior that can be problematic for us, for example we modify the network coordiantor and the router struggle to join  the network.

    I have some logs that might help clarify the situation. This are logs from the same day but I can not link them with the wireshark log traces. I hope they can be helpfull for you.


    uart:~$ nbr monitor on
    [00:57:34.919,677] <inf> zigbee_shell_nbr: Active neighbor table (1 entries):
    [00:57:34.919,677] <inf> zigbee_shell_nbr: [idx] ext_addr         device_type relationship          cost age timeout
    [00:57:34.919,860] <inf> zigbee_shell_nbr: [  0] 0013a20041c785b4 coordinator parent                   1   0 -1
    [00:58:00.189,544] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 9, Binary 0, Commis 5
    [00:58:00.189,575] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [00:59:00.192,504] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 9, Binary 0, Commis 5
    [00:59:00.192,535] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:00:00.193,939] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 9, Binary 0, Commis 5
    [01:00:00.193,969] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:01:00.194,091] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 9, Binary 0, Commis 5
    [01:01:00.194,122] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:02:00.198,883] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 9, Binary 0, Commis 5
    [01:02:00.198,913] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:03:00.201,080] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 9, Binary 0, Commis 5
    [01:03:00.201,110] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:04:00.205,322] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 9, Binary 0, Commis 5
    [01:04:00.205,352] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:04:40.885,833] <dbg> main: data_indication_cb: Rx APS Frame with profile 0xc105, cluster 0x15, src_ep 230, dest_ep 230, payload 36 bytes
    [01:04:40.885,864] <dbg> main: data_indication_cb: Xbee Node Discovery Device Request
    [01:04:45.890,014] <dbg> zigbee_aps: zigbee_aps_frame_scheduling_cb: Scheduled APS Frame with cluster 0x95 and payload 41 bytes
    [01:04:45.902,191] <dbg> zigbee_aps: zigbee_aps_user_data_tx_cb: Transmission completed, MAC seq = 234, NWK seq = 15, APS counter = 101
    [01:05:00.209,533] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [01:05:00.209,564] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:06:00.212,982] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [01:06:00.213,012] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:07:00.213,531] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [01:07:00.213,562] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:08:00.218,048] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [01:08:00.218,078] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:09:00.221,527] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [01:09:00.221,557] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:10:00.224,151] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [01:10:00.224,182] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:11:00.227,630] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [01:11:00.227,661] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:12:00.230,804] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [01:12:00.230,834] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:13:00.231,323] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [01:13:00.231,353] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:14:00.236,663] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [01:14:00.236,694] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:15:00.239,837] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [01:15:00.239,868] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:16:00.240,112] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [01:16:00.240,142] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:17:00.241,210] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [01:17:00.241,241] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:18:00.245,300] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [01:18:00.245,330] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:19:00.249,145] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [01:19:00.249,176] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:20:00.252,685] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [01:20:00.252,716] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:21:00.253,692] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [01:21:00.253,723] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:22:00.256,866] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [01:22:00.256,896] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:23:00.261,657] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [01:23:00.261,688] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:24:00.266,998] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [01:24:00.267,028] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:25:00.269,927] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [01:25:00.269,958] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:26:00.272,033] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [01:26:00.272,064] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:27:00.276,062] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [01:27:00.276,092] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:28:00.278,167] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [01:28:00.278,198] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:29:00.281,372] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [01:29:00.281,402] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:30:00.284,545] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [01:30:00.284,576] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:31:00.286,193] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [01:31:00.286,224] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:32:00.289,093] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [01:32:00.289,123] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:33:00.291,473] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [01:33:00.291,503] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:34:00.295,257] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [01:34:00.295,288] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:35:00.296,783] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [01:35:00.296,813] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:36:00.300,537] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [01:36:00.300,567] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:37:00.305,053] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [01:37:00.305,084] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:38:00.310,485] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [01:38:00.310,516] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:39:00.314,117] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [01:39:00.314,147] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:40:00.316,497] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [01:40:00.316,528] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:41:00.321,838] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [01:41:00.321,868] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:42:00.325,836] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [01:42:00.325,866] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:43:00.327,728] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [01:43:00.327,758] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:44:00.332,763] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [01:44:00.332,794] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:45:00.336,212] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [01:45:00.336,242] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:46:00.339,385] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [01:46:00.339,416] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:47:00.343,139] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [01:47:00.343,170] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:48:00.346,832] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [01:48:00.346,862] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:49:00.350,311] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [01:49:00.350,341] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:50:00.354,888] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [01:50:00.354,919] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:51:00.356,597] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [01:51:00.356,628] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:52:00.358,795] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [01:52:00.358,825] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:53:00.361,724] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [01:53:00.361,755] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:54:00.362,609] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [01:54:00.362,640] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:55:00.367,584] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [01:55:00.367,614] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:56:00.369,445] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [01:56:00.369,476] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:57:00.372,100] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [01:57:00.372,131] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [01:58:00.373,443] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [01:58:00.373,474] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    uart:~$ nbr monitor on
    uart:~$ nbr monitor off
    [01:59:00.375,823] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [01:59:00.375,854] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [02:00:00.377,410] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [02:00:00.377,441] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [02:01:00.381,408] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [02:01:00.381,439] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [02:02:00.384,094] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 10, Binary 0, Commis 6
    [02:02:00.384,124] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [00:00:00.001,892] <inf> ieee802154_nrf5: nRF5 802154 radio initialized
    *** Booting nRF Connect SDK v2.5.1 ***
    [00:00:00.011,474] <inf> main: Router started successfully
    [00:00:00.011,474] <err> main: RESET
    [00:00:00.011,505] <dbg> main: get_reset_reason: Reset cause is: RESET_PIN
    [00:00:00.693,023] <err> zigbee_shell: Register ZCL ctx at Zigbee device to use Zigbee shell ZCL commands.
    [00:00:00.693,054] <wrn> main: SIGNAL 23 , state not OK
    [00:00:00.693,084] <inf> zigbee_app_utils: Production configuration is not present or invalid (status: -1)
    [00:00:00.693,450] <wrn> main: SIGNAL 1 , state OK
    [00:00:00.693,450] <inf> zigbee_app_utils: Zigbee stack initialized
    [00:00:00.697,875] <wrn> main: SIGNAL 5: Device started for the first time after the NVRAM erase
    [00:00:00.697,875] <inf> zigbee_app_utils: Device started for the first time
    [00:00:00.697,906] <inf> zigbee_app_utils: Start network steering
    [00:00:00.697,906] <inf> zigbee_app_utils: Started network rejoin procedure.
    [00:00:10.289,947] <dbg> main: diagnostic_zigbee_info: Zigbee application joined the network: bellow some info: 
    [00:00:10.289,978] <dbg> main: diagnostic_zigbee_info: MAC address: 
                                   f4 ce 36 45 86 1c 55 97                          |..6E..U.         
    [00:00:10.290,008] <dbg> main: diagnostic_zigbee_info: zigbee shrot addr:  0x4560
    [00:00:10.290,008] <dbg> main: diagnostic_zigbee_info: Extended PAN ID: 
                                   00 00 00 00 00 00 ab ce                          |........         
    [00:00:10.290,039] <dbg> main: diagnostic_zigbee_info: zigbee role router
    [00:00:10.290,039] <dbg> main: diagnostic_zigbee_info: zigbee channel: 24 
    [00:00:10.476,409] <wrn> main: SIGNAL 54 , state OK
    [00:00:10.476,409] <inf> zigbee_app_utils: Unimplemented signal (signal: 54, status: 0)
    [00:00:10.575,317] <wrn> main: SIGNAL 54 , state OK
    [00:00:10.575,347] <inf> zigbee_app_utils: Unimplemented signal (signal: 54, status: 0)
    [00:00:10.577,178] <wrn> main: SIGNAL 10 , state OK
    [00:00:10.577,209] <wrn> main: Device is encountering issues during steering.
    [00:00:10.577,392] <inf> zigbee_app_utils: Joined network successfully (Extended PAN ID: 000000000000abce, PAN ID: 0xe436)
    [00:00:10.577,392] <inf> zigbee_app_utils: Network rejoin procedure stopped.
    [00:01:00.002,471] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 0, Binary 0, Commis 0
    [00:01:00.002,502] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [00:02:00.006,652] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 0, Binary 0, Commis 0
    [00:02:00.006,683] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [00:03:00.008,514] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 0, Binary 0, Commis 0
    [00:03:00.008,544] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [00:03:12.337,432] <wrn> main: SIGNAL 54 , state OK
    [00:03:12.337,463] <inf> zigbee_app_utils: Unimplemented signal (signal: 54, status: 0)
    [00:04:00.009,979] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 0, Binary 0, Commis 0
    [00:04:00.010,009] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [00:00:00.001,892] <inf> ieee802154_nrf5: nRF5 802154 radio initialized
    *** Booting nRF Connect SDK v2.5.1 ***
    [00:00:00.011,474] <inf> main: Router started successfully
    [00:00:00.011,474] <err> main: RESET
    [00:00:00.011,505] <dbg> main: get_reset_reason: Reset cause is: RESET_PIN
    [00:00:00.692,993] <err> zigbee_shell: Register ZCL ctx at Zigbee device to use Zigbee shell ZCL commands.
    [00:00:00.693,023] <wrn> main: SIGNAL 23 , state not OK
    [00:00:00.693,023] <inf> zigbee_app_utils: Production configuration is not present or invalid (status: -1)
    [00:00:00.693,420] <wrn> main: SIGNAL 1 , state OK
    [00:00:00.693,420] <inf> zigbee_app_utils: Zigbee stack initialized
    [00:00:00.697,814] <wrn> main: SIGNAL 5: Device started for the first time after the NVRAM erase
    [00:00:00.697,845] <inf> zigbee_app_utils: Device started for the first time
    [00:00:00.697,845] <inf> zigbee_app_utils: Start network steering
    [00:00:00.697,875] <inf> zigbee_app_utils: Started network rejoin procedure.
    [00:00:10.289,520] <dbg> main: diagnostic_zigbee_info: Zigbee application joined the network: bellow some info: 
    [00:00:10.289,550] <dbg> main: diagnostic_zigbee_info: MAC address: 
                                   f4 ce 36 45 86 1c 55 97                          |..6E..U.         
    [00:00:10.289,581] <dbg> main: diagnostic_zigbee_info: zigbee shrot addr:  0xe257
    [00:00:10.289,581] <dbg> main: diagnostic_zigbee_info: Extended PAN ID: 
                                   00 00 00 00 00 00 99 99                          |........         
    [00:00:10.289,611] <dbg> main: diagnostic_zigbee_info: zigbee role router
    [00:00:10.289,611] <dbg> main: diagnostic_zigbee_info: zigbee channel: 19 
    [00:00:10.416,015] <wrn> main: SIGNAL 54 , state OK
    [00:00:10.416,046] <inf> zigbee_app_utils: Unimplemented signal (signal: 54, status: 0)
    [00:00:10.484,130] <wrn> main: SIGNAL 54 , state OK
    [00:00:10.484,130] <inf> zigbee_app_utils: Unimplemented signal (signal: 54, status: 0)
    [00:00:10.485,992] <wrn> main: SIGNAL 10 , state OK
    [00:00:10.485,992] <wrn> main: Device is encountering issues during steering.
    [00:00:10.486,206] <inf> zigbee_app_utils: Joined network successfully (Extended PAN ID: 0000000000009999, PAN ID: 0x17ba)
    [00:00:10.486,236] <inf> zigbee_app_utils: Network rejoin procedure stopped.
    [00:00:20.480,957] <wrn> main: SIGNAL 18 , state OK
    [00:00:21.418,121] <dbg> main: data_indication_cb: Rx APS Frame with profile 0x0, cluster 0x13, src_ep 0, dest_ep 0, payload 12 bytes
    [00:01:00.003,875] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 1, Binary 0, Commis 0
    [00:01:00.003,906] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [00:01:21.780,273] <wrn> main: SIGNAL 19 , state OK
    [00:01:21.780,456] <inf> zigbee_app_utils: Child left the network (long: f4ce361fccb346a2, rejoin flag: 0)
    [00:01:21.843,872] <wrn> main: SIGNAL 48 , state OK
    [00:01:21.844,085] <inf> zigbee_app_utils: Device update received (short: 0xc585, long: f4ce361fccb346a2, status: 2)
    [00:01:31.055,541] <wrn> main: SIGNAL 18 , state OK
    [00:01:31.997,100] <dbg> main: data_indication_cb: Rx APS Frame with profile 0x0, cluster 0x13, src_ep 0, dest_ep 0, payload 12 bytes
    [00:01:32.096,374] <dbg> main: data_indication_cb: Rx APS Frame with profile 0x0, cluster 0x36, src_ep 0, dest_ep 0, payload 3 bytes
    [00:01:56.022,216] <dbg> main: data_indication_cb: Rx APS Frame with profile 0x0, cluster 0x13, src_ep 0, dest_ep 0, payload 12 bytes
    [00:01:56.366,180] <dbg> main: data_indication_cb: Rx APS Frame with profile 0x0, cluster 0x13, src_ep 0, dest_ep 0, payload 12 bytes
    [00:01:56.639,312] <dbg> main: data_indication_cb: Rx APS Frame with profile 0x0, cluster 0x13, src_ep 0, dest_ep 0, payload 12 bytes
    [00:01:57.126,159] <dbg> main: data_indication_cb: Rx APS Frame with profile 0x0, cluster 0x13, src_ep 0, dest_ep 0, payload 12 bytes
    [00:01:57.329,528] <dbg> main: data_indication_cb: Rx APS Frame with profile 0x0, cluster 0x13, src_ep 0, dest_ep 0, payload 12 bytes
    [00:02:00.006,530] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 8, Binary 0, Commis 0
    [00:02:00.006,561] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [00:02:10.763,580] <dbg> main: data_indication_cb: Rx APS Frame with profile 0x0, cluster 0x13, src_ep 0, dest_ep 0, payload 12 bytes
    [00:02:10.989,562] <dbg> main: data_indication_cb: Rx APS Frame with profile 0x0, cluster 0x13, src_ep 0, dest_ep 0, payload 12 bytes
    [00:02:11.159,515] <dbg> main: data_indication_cb: Rx APS Frame with profile 0x0, cluster 0x13, src_ep 0, dest_ep 0, payload 12 bytes
    [00:02:11.328,521] <dbg> main: data_indication_cb: Rx APS Frame with profile 0x0, cluster 0x13, src_ep 0, dest_ep 0, payload 12 bytes
    [00:02:11.593,231] <dbg> main: data_indication_cb: Rx APS Frame with profile 0x0, cluster 0x13, src_ep 0, dest_ep 0, payload 12 bytes
    [00:02:32.689,819] <dbg> main: data_indication_cb: Rx APS Frame with profile 0x0, cluster 0x13, src_ep 0, dest_ep 0, payload 12 bytes
    [00:02:32.943,450] <dbg> main: data_indication_cb: Rx APS Frame with profile 0x0, cluster 0x13, src_ep 0, dest_ep 0, payload 12 bytes
    [00:02:33.285,614] <dbg> main: data_indication_cb: Rx APS Frame with profile 0x0, cluster 0x13, src_ep 0, dest_ep 0, payload 12 bytes
    [00:02:33.493,164] <dbg> main: data_indication_cb: Rx APS Frame with profile 0x0, cluster 0x13, src_ep 0, dest_ep 0, payload 12 bytes
    [00:02:34.010,406] <dbg> main: data_indication_cb: Rx APS Frame with profile 0x0, cluster 0x13, src_ep 0, dest_ep 0, payload 12 bytes
    [00:03:00.010,650] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 18, Binary 0, Commis 0
    [00:03:00.010,681] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [00:03:07.451,751] <wrn> main: SIGNAL 18 , state OK
    [00:03:07.994,476] <dbg> main: data_indication_cb: Rx APS Frame with profile 0x0, cluster 0x13, src_ep 0, dest_ep 0, payload 12 bytes
    [00:03:08.490,966] <dbg> main: data_indication_cb: Rx APS Frame with profile 0x0, cluster 0x36, src_ep 0, dest_ep 0, payload 3 bytes
    [00:03:12.247,283] <wrn> main: SIGNAL 54 , state OK
    [00:03:12.247,314] <inf> zigbee_app_utils: Unimplemented signal (signal: 54, status: 0)
    [00:04:00.012,084] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 20, Binary 0, Commis 0
    [00:04:00.012,115] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    uart:~$ nbr monitor on
    [00:04:05.941,223] <inf> zigbee_shell_nbr: Active neighbor table (1 entries):
    [00:04:05.941,253] <inf> zigbee_shell_nbr: [idx] ext_addr         device_type relationship          cost age timeout
    [00:04:05.941,436] <inf> zigbee_shell_nbr: [  0] 0013a20041c785b4 coordinator parent                   1   0 -1
    [00:04:08.360,168] <wrn> main: SIGNAL 19 , state OK
    [00:04:08.360,382] <inf> zigbee_app_utils: Child left the network (long: f4ce361fccb346a2, rejoin flag: 0)
    [00:04:08.431,182] <wrn> main: SIGNAL 48 , state OK
    [00:04:08.431,365] <inf> zigbee_app_utils: Device update received (short: 0xc300, long: f4ce361fccb346a2, status: 2)
    [00:04:08.854,522] <wrn> main: SIGNAL 19 , state OK
    [00:04:08.854,858] <inf> zigbee_app_utils: Child left the network (long: f4ce361fccb346a2, rejoin flag: 0)
    [00:04:08.962,585] <inf> zigbee_shell_nbr: Active neighbor table (1 entries):
    [00:04:08.962,585] <inf> zigbee_shell_nbr: [idx] ext_addr         device_type relationship          cost age timeout
    [00:04:08.962,799] <inf> zigbee_shell_nbr: [  0] 0013a20041c785b4 coordinator parent                   1   0 -1
    [00:05:00.017,944] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 20, Binary 0, Commis 0
    [00:05:00.017,974] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [00:06:00.020,599] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 20, Binary 0, Commis 0
    [00:06:00.020,629] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [00:06:59.378,295] <dbg> main: data_indication_cb: Rx APS Frame with profile 0xc105, cluster 0x15, src_ep 230, dest_ep 230, payload 36 bytes
    [00:06:59.378,326] <dbg> main: data_indication_cb: Xbee Node Discovery Device Request
    [00:07:00.021,240] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 21, Binary 0, Commis 1
    [00:07:00.021,270] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [00:07:04.380,615] <dbg> zigbee_aps: zigbee_aps_frame_scheduling_cb: Scheduled APS Frame with cluster 0x95 and payload 41 bytes
    [00:07:07.421,813] <dbg> zigbee_aps: zigbee_aps_user_data_tx_cb: Transmission completed, MAC seq = 204, NWK seq = 116, APS counter = 78
    [00:07:14.968,292] <wrn> main: SIGNAL 50 , state OK
    [00:07:14.968,322] <inf> zigbee_app_utils: Unimplemented signal (signal: 50, status: 0)
    [00:08:00.024,383] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 21, Binary 0, Commis 1
    [00:08:00.024,414] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [00:09:00.029,754] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 21, Binary 0, Commis 1
    [00:09:00.029,785] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [00:10:00.032,379] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 21, Binary 0, Commis 1
    [00:10:00.032,409] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0
    [00:11:00.037,078] <dbg> main: display_counters: APS RX COUNTERS: Total 21, Binary 0, Commis 1
    [00:11:00.037,109] <dbg> main: display_counters: Uart frames: Tx 0, Rx 0

    Thank you again for your support.

    Best regards,

  • Hello Marte,

    I'm unable to confirm if the address conflict issue occurred solely with Xbee. However, based on the logs I have saved in the past, it seems to be associated with Xbee. Although this issue has been recurring, it doesn't happen frequently. I plan to conduct some tests with the Nordic coordinator to see if I can replicate the error. If you'd like, I can share more logs with you for further analysis.

    Our ultimate objective is to utilize Xbee as the coordinator and Nordic routers within the network. However, considering that the commissioning process deviates from the specifications, do you foresee any potential challenges or complications with this setup?

    Our testing environment in the lab is quite noisy. In addition to Wi-Fi signals, there are multiple Zigbee networks operational.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Julen,

    jemalkorra said:
    If you'd like, I can share more logs with you for further analysis.

    If you could do that, then it would be great Slight smile.

    jemalkorra said:
    However, considering that the commissioning process deviates from the specifications, do you foresee any potential challenges or complications with this setup?

    In theory, Zigbee and Xbee should be compatible, but there could be some issues, so it would be good to narrow down whether this only happens with Xbee.

    Is it possible to enable security on your Xbee coordinator? Based on the Xbee documentation, this seems to be possible by setting the Encryption Enable (EE) parameter to 1. I am not sure this will solve the issue, but it is worth trying.

    jemalkorra said:
    Our testing environment in the lab is quite noisy. In addition to Wi-Fi signals, there are multiple Zigbee networks operational.

    Are you able to test in a less noisy environment to ensure that the issue is not related to noise?

    Best regards,

  • Hello,

    I've conducted some tests at home, where the environment is less noisy compared to the lab. In this setup, the coordinator is from Digi, and the network is unencrypted. We've decided to maintain this configuration for legacy reasons.

    Next week, I plan to run the same tests but with an encrypted network, so we can see difference.

    Thank you,



  • Hello,

    I have done a first try with encryption enabled. See the attached log. I will try to do more tests adding, removing, turnning on and off the devices. To see if I can replicate the addr conflict problem. 

    Thank you for your support,


  • Hi Julen,

    Based on this, it seems like the noise is not a factor. Please let me know if you find anything with your tests with security.
    I will keep looking through your logs to see if I can find anything more.

    Best regards,

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