Thingy 53 Weather station demo doesn't work

I have new Thingy 53. Default Edge Inpulse demo works without any problem. But I have problem with Weather Station demo.

First I tested Zigbee version. After flashing using nRF Programmer it doesn't do nothing. No LED action, can't connect to Zigbee coordinator (I have many Zigbee devices and newer had problem connecting them).

Next I tested Matter version. Thingy should flash blue LED after start but LED is always on - not flashing. So this does something but not works as described in documentation.

Is some problem on my side? Definitelly I'd like to use Zigbee version but currently device seems dead every time I flash it.

  • Hi, 

    Did you connect to the device with a terminal emulator (for example, nRF Connect Serial Terminal) and check the log?


    Amanda H.

  • Hi, problem is that after flashing Zigbee version, device is not visible in nRF Connect Serial Terminal or in device manager. I have to start it in MCUboot to see it again. It simply doesn't boot with Zigbee Weather station firmware.



  • Hi Amanda,

    Today I've tested my own build (SDK 2.6.0) and also your build.

    After flashing my build I can see my device identified as Weather Station but not possible to connect serial console, LED doesn't work and device isn't visible in Zigbee network (join permited for all new devices).

    Using you build serial console works and it seems that Thingy sensors measure temperature, pressure and humidity. But I can't connect Thingy to my Zigbee network. All new devices permited.

    Thingy debug log: "zigbee_app_utils: Network steering was not successful (status: -1)".



  • Hi, 

    kocouj1 said:
    After flashing my build I can see my device identified as Weather Station but not possible to connect serial console

    How do you build with the prj.conf? See Zigbee weather station build types

    kocouj1 said:
    LED doesn't work and device isn't visible in Zigbee network (join permited for all new devices).

    Could you test with the Zigbee shell sample programmed as the network coordinator?

    -Amanda H.

  • Hi,

    I've nRF52840 dongle available so I flashed Zigbee shell there. Thingy was able to connect with Zigbee shell. So it seems that this works.

    I've probably found problem why Thingy isn't able to connect with my home Zigbee coordinator (ZigStar Stick v4) - default Weather station sample is configured with CONFIG_ZIGBEE_CHANNEL_SELECTION_MODE_SINGLE but my coordinator doesn't work on channel 16. So I rebuild with CONFIG_ZIGBEE_CHANNEL_SELECTION_MODE_MULTI.

    But as I wrote before, I've problems with my own builds :-(

    1) Found problem in sample source code. I had to comment line 245 in main.c ir order to be able to build the sample. Otherwise build fails with message: zigbee_weather_station/src/main.c:245: undefined reference to `user_input_indicate'

    2) After flashing, serial console is not available anymore (flashed with prj.conf).

    3) Thingy doesn't connect to Zigbee shell coordinator anymore.

    Don't know why there are so many problems with this sample. I'm able to build Zigbee Shell for nRF52840 dongle and flash it on my computer - works without any problem (including serial console). But I have no luck with Weather station sample and Thingy 53.

    Currently I'm on SDK 2.6.1.



  • Hi, 

    kocouj1 said:
    1) Found problem in sample source code. I had to comment line 245 in main.c ir order to be able to build the sample. Otherwise build fails with message: zigbee_weather_station/src/main.c:245: undefined reference to `user_input_indicate'

    Please try to update SDK via ToolChain Manager. It should fix the issue. 

    Without modification of the Zigbee Weather Station application, you could build with -DCONFIG_ZIGBEE_CHANNEL_SELECTION_MODE_MULTI=y as 

    Please also make sure the toolchains and SDK versions are correct, and the overlay file is set as the above figure. 

    -Amanda H.

  • Hi,

    Today I've uninstalled all toolchains and SDKs. Then installed toolchain and SDK 2.6.1. I can see that I'm using toolchain 2.6.1 on west workspace 2.6.1. So I set build configuration exactly as on your image.

    Device visible in serial terminal, but can't connect (Failed to connect to port). Can't connect it to any Zigbee (my home network or Zigbee shell).

    I hope that I'm doing whole process right. I build it in Visual Studio Code (nRF connect addon) and after that write using nRF Programmer in DFU mode.

    nRF addon automatically add some build params:

    I only add this one:



  • Hi,

    Today I've uninstalled all toolchains and SDKs. Then installed toolchain and SDK 2.6.1. I can see that I'm using toolchain 2.6.1 on west workspace 2.6.1. So I set build configuration exactly as on your image.

    Device visible in serial terminal, but can't connect (Failed to connect to port). Can't connect it to any Zigbee (my home network or Zigbee shell).

    I hope that I'm doing whole process right. I build it in Visual Studio Code (nRF connect addon) and after that write using nRF Programmer in DFU mode.

    nRF addon automatically add some build params:

    I only add this one:


