GPIOTE not working in NRF Connect SDK

I am migrating one of Segger Embedded Studio based project to NRF Connect SDK for nrf53 series of board. 

I migrated the function that uses GPIOTE feature using relevant APIs. However, it's not working as expected. I wasn't able to find any example codes as well on this.

Below is my code. I am trying to set a LED to high when the event (LOTOHI)  is triggered on TEST_PIN. However, when there is a state change from Low-High on TEST_PIN, the control isnt entering the handler function. I needed some help in correcting the code if something is incorrect in the way I have configured GPIOTE in the code. 

My prj.conf has CONFIG_NRFX_GPIOTE=y included

int gpio_init()
    gpio0 = device_get_binding(DEVICE_DT_NAME(DT_NODELABEL(gpio0)));
    gpio1 = device_get_binding(DEVICE_DT_NAME(DT_NODELABEL(gpio1)));

    led_err = gpio_pin_configure(gpio1, LED_PIN, GPIO_OUTPUT | GPIO_OUTPUT_INIT_LOW);

void in_pin_handler(nrfx_gpiote_pin_t pin, nrfx_gpiote_trigger_t trigger)
    gpio_pin_set(gpio0, LED_PIN, HIGH);

void gpio_setting_init(void)
    nrfx_err_t err_code;
    static uint8_t in_channel;

    err_code = nrfx_gpiote_channel_alloc(&in_channel);
    err_code = nrfx_gpiote_init(NRFX_GPIOTE_DEFAULT_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY);

   static const nrfx_gpiote_input_config_t in_config_test =
        .pull = NRF_GPIO_PIN_NOPULL,

   /*Finds rising edge instead of just toggling*/
    static const nrfx_gpiote_trigger_config_t trigger_config_test = {
		.p_in_channel = &in_channel,

	static const nrfx_gpiote_handler_config_t handler_config_test = {
		.handler = in_pin_handler,

    /*gpiote initialization has been done in clock and timer initialization, no need to do it again*/
    err_code = nrfx_gpiote_input_configure(TEST_PIN, &in_config_test, &trigger_config_test, &handler_config_test);

    nrfx_gpiote_trigger_enable(TEST_PIN, true);

    LOG_INF("nrfx_gpiote initialized");

Parents Reply Children
  • I tried this by adding the below line. Its not working.

    #if defined(__ZEPHYR__)

    Also, I had already included the below two lines in a function called earlier to generate clock using GPIOTE and GPPI. So, do we have to add it multiple times? 

    #if defined(__ZEPHYR__)
        err_code = nrfx_gpiote_init(NRFX_GPIOTE_DEFAULT_CONFIG_IRQ_PRIORITY);

    Need some help in fixing this

  • Which SDK version are you using?

    Did you try the example I linked? Apart from the inverted polarity on the pin trigger (HITOLO vs LOTOHI) it should do approximately the same thing as you are trying to achieve.

    If it works, please post prj.conf and overlay files used in your project, and note which board you are building for. If you are using a custom board, please include the board files.
