issues with migration from ncs v2.5.0 to 2.6.1

hello Nordic

i am working with ncs v2.5.0 (with nrf52840 and nrf52832) and trying to migrate to ncs v2.6.1

i have looked at this migration notes and guids:

yet i did not find solution fo some things there:

1. the config CONFIG_BT_LL_SW_SPLIT was set to =n in v2.5.0 in order to work with softdevice instead of zephyr ble controller and it enables some ble features like connection report and dynamic tx power etc.

now, in zephyr 3.5.99 this config CONFIG_BT_CTLR_ADVANCED_FEATURES  is dependent on CONFIG_BT_LL_SW_SPLIT=y (which appears to be experimental but do i really have a choice to not use it if i want the mentioned features? ), so it seems like it is forcing me to work with zephyr ble controller am i missing something ? 

and this is actually an issue because now i see that 'sdc_hci_vs.h' i get "No such file or directory " because it is under the softdevice controller dir ?? 

2. we use cmsis dsp

and now they are all undefined so what can i use instead , cause i have undefined api in mt code now ? 



4. init a device with APPLICATION level is deprecated now, what can i do instead ?

this is for now, there will probably be more issues as i continue

hope to read you soon

best regards


  • Hello Ziv,

    1. the config CONFIG_BT_LL_SW_SPLIT was set to =n in v2.5.0 in order to work with softdevice instead of zephyr ble controller and it enables some ble features like connection report and dynamic tx power etc.

    now, in zephyr 3.5.99 this config CONFIG_BT_CTLR_ADVANCED_FEATURES  is dependent on CONFIG_BT_LL_SW_SPLIT=y (which appears to be experimental but do i really have a choice to not use it if i want the mentioned features? ), so it seems like it is forcing me to work with zephyr ble controller am i missing something ? 

    CONFIG_BT_CTLR_ADVANCED_FEATURES seems to have been dependent on the Zephyr controller in both 2.5.0 and 2.6.1, no changes there. My understanding is that CONFIG_BT_CTLR_ADVANCED_FEATURES opens up for some features that are only available for the Zephyr controller.

    2. we use cmsis dsp

    There is an overview over the available configurations here. Simply search for CMSIS_DSP to see what is available on a given version of NCS. Could you try to simply remove the configs that aren't supported and see what error you get? Maybe CONFIG_CMSIS_DSP will cover a lot.



    Here it is: CONFIG_MEMFAULT_ROOT_CERT_STORAGE_CUSTOM. I think the link brought you to the latest version of Zephyr, in which it might not be anymore. I guess it defaults to not being selected. Could you expand a bit on the issue here?

    4. init a device with APPLICATION level is deprecated now, what can i do instead ?

    I'll have to get back to you on this part, but I guess we might as well start with the 3 first points either way. 



  • Hello Ziv,

    1. the config CONFIG_BT_LL_SW_SPLIT was set to =n in v2.5.0 in order to work with softdevice instead of zephyr ble controller and it enables some ble features like connection report and dynamic tx power etc.

    now, in zephyr 3.5.99 this config CONFIG_BT_CTLR_ADVANCED_FEATURES  is dependent on CONFIG_BT_LL_SW_SPLIT=y (which appears to be experimental but do i really have a choice to not use it if i want the mentioned features? ), so it seems like it is forcing me to work with zephyr ble controller am i missing something ? 

    CONFIG_BT_CTLR_ADVANCED_FEATURES seems to have been dependent on the Zephyr controller in both 2.5.0 and 2.6.1, no changes there. My understanding is that CONFIG_BT_CTLR_ADVANCED_FEATURES opens up for some features that are only available for the Zephyr controller.

    2. we use cmsis dsp

    There is an overview over the available configurations here. Simply search for CMSIS_DSP to see what is available on a given version of NCS. Could you try to simply remove the configs that aren't supported and see what error you get? Maybe CONFIG_CMSIS_DSP will cover a lot.



    Here it is: CONFIG_MEMFAULT_ROOT_CERT_STORAGE_CUSTOM. I think the link brought you to the latest version of Zephyr, in which it might not be anymore. I guess it defaults to not being selected. Could you expand a bit on the issue here?

    4. init a device with APPLICATION level is deprecated now, what can i do instead ?

    I'll have to get back to you on this part, but I guess we might as well start with the 3 first points either way. 



  • hi Elfving

    solved most of the issues, and one board (nrf52840) builds fine but another board (nrf52832) fails on region. 

    region `FLASH' overflowed by 31504 bytes

    31kb is a lot for a 64k ram and 512k flash.. seems very strange to me 

    any idea what configs maybe became =y by default that made such an increase ?

  • Hard to say.

    I would recommend having a look at the "memory report" in the Actions menu. You could open that up for the previous version of your application as well and compare.



  • i can not get memory report if build fail 

    but if i look at the nrf52840 board which i can build and i compare memory report of the same code build in 2.5.0 and 2.6.1 i see 25.52kb diff in Nordic Proprietary Libraries (58.31kb in ncs2.6.1 vs 32.79 in ncs 2.5.0)

    also under the No paths there is a 11kb extra in 2.6.1

    so where does this come from and how can i reduce it back  ?

  • Hi Ziv,
    I'm running into similar problems with the DSP libraries. Specifically I used to enable DSP filtering and DSP statistics, but now its not working. Simply commenting them out does not work and some of the function calls are not defined. Can you elaborate on how you solved most of your issues?

  • Hi Jesse

    basically just for the build to pass i removed all DSP configs which it did not recognise (my guess they are defined somewhere within now) but i keep this one only  

    and it compiles 
    the problem i see is that because this configs has been removed
    the code now include all FFT tables which increases its size dramatically, i have no idea why they did it
    .. still working on figuring out how to include only the FFT tables we need ..
    any idea on that Nordic will be huge help