suspend and resume of threads in Multi threading

I am using four threads in a application which are main(priority 0), sensor read(priority 6), BLE notify sender(priority 6), ideal thread(priority 15). sensor and BLE notify sender thread have same priority so they are running in co-operative scheduling 

here my problem is I can't able to suspend the sensor and BLE thread. so I can run the ideal thread.

Is there a way to do this.



Parents Reply
  • Hi,

    sensor FIFO takes 800ms to fill up so at that time  I wanted to run the BLE thread to transmit FIFO data to central that I am able to achieve making these two thread run in co-operative thread.

    I want add more function to this when the notify disable I wanted to suspend the sensor thread so it stop filling FIFO and ideal thread can be run on that time.

     Is it possible suspend both BLE thread and sensor thread and resume some who detecting the notify enable  


