Enter Bootloader mode in our Custom Project - nrf5340


   We have been using the DeviKit for our initial development and now we have developed our own custom board using the nRF5340. I trying to flash the device, but couldn't enter the Bootloader mode, even after asserting the P0.18 to low during RESET.

I am trying to flash using UART. Is there any-other pin that needs to be controlled to enter the boot loader mode?

  • Hello,

    I wanted to let you know that I have been assigned to this case and have started looking into it. I am not sure if I understand your question correctly. Could you tell me what you are trying to achieve here? Are you trying to do a DFU over UART using MCUboot, or are you just trying to flash your custom 5340 board?

    Kind Regards,


  • Hi Abhijith,

    Thanks for the support.

    We need to do the DFU in our custom 5340 board over UART. But we couldn't do it, need instruction for the DFU in our device.
    We got our SCH & PCB layout verified by team, now we completed the SMD and now started testing our device. We are trying to flash our device over UART. Device is turned ON, as I can check the power lines and it is same as in the EVK, but not able to flash.

    Need support on this.

  • Hello,

    but couldn't enter the Bootloader mode, even after asserting the P0.18 to low during RESET.

    AFAIK, this is enough to make the 5340 enter bootloader mode. Are you using a USB-UART adapter for flashing your custom 5340? Could you share some more details on the connection? Have you tried communicating to your board from a terminal (like by using nrfutil or by using a serial terminal like PuTTy)? Have you opened the device inside the nRF connect for desktop App? If so, what is the response from the device?

    Kind Regards,


  • I am doing the UART-USB conversion using the FT232R IC for the communication.
    I tried in the terminal & Putty but nothing is running in the log even in normal mode. Even tried asserting the P0.18 to Low, but nothing is running.

    I looked at Power section, it looks fine and same as in EVK. And can you please share the Baud rate, i need to confirm.

  • Hello, 

    The default baud rate is 115200 ( If you are using a pre-built bootloader from Nordic).

    Kind Regards,

