Enter Bootloader mode in our Custom Project - nrf5340


   We have been using the DeviKit for our initial development and now we have developed our own custom board using the nRF5340. I trying to flash the device, but couldn't enter the Bootloader mode, even after asserting the P0.18 to low during RESET.

I am trying to flash using UART. Is there any-other pin that needs to be controlled to enter the boot loader mode?

  • Hello,

    but couldn't enter the Bootloader mode, even after asserting the P0.18 to low during RESET.

    AFAIK, this is enough to make the 5340 enter bootloader mode. Are you using a USB-UART adapter for flashing your custom 5340? Could you share some more details on the connection? Have you tried communicating to your board from a terminal (like by using nrfutil or by using a serial terminal like PuTTy)? Have you opened the device inside the nRF connect for desktop App? If so, what is the response from the device?

    Kind Regards,


  • Hello,

    but couldn't enter the Bootloader mode, even after asserting the P0.18 to low during RESET.

    AFAIK, this is enough to make the 5340 enter bootloader mode. Are you using a USB-UART adapter for flashing your custom 5340? Could you share some more details on the connection? Have you tried communicating to your board from a terminal (like by using nrfutil or by using a serial terminal like PuTTy)? Have you opened the device inside the nRF connect for desktop App? If so, what is the response from the device?

    Kind Regards,


  • I am doing the UART-USB conversion using the FT232R IC for the communication.
    I tried in the terminal & Putty but nothing is running in the log even in normal mode. Even tried asserting the P0.18 to Low, but nothing is running.

    I looked at Power section, it looks fine and same as in EVK. And can you please share the Baud rate, i need to confirm.
