Enter Bootloader mode in our Custom Project - nrf5340


   We have been using the DeviKit for our initial development and now we have developed our own custom board using the nRF5340. I trying to flash the device, but couldn't enter the Bootloader mode, even after asserting the P0.18 to low during RESET.

I am trying to flash using UART. Is there any-other pin that needs to be controlled to enter the boot loader mode?

  • Hello,

    Sorry, I was sick, which caused a delay in responding.

    Let's clarify a few things before moving further. I assume you are trying to flash your first programme to see whether the newly developed hardware is working fine. For flashing your first application, you are trying to put the custom board in the bootloader mode. But have you flashed the bootloader to your custom board? (I assumed you had done this and responded; sorry for that.) If not, you need to flash the bootloader (MCUboot). You can use J-Link for this. Build mcuboot for your custom board and flash it using the command-line tool.

    To enter bootloader mode, you need to trigger the bootloader on your board. For triggering, have you configured it just like what is done in DK?

    If your board enters bootloder mode, then you can generate a DFU package using nrfutil and flash it over UART. Read this blog on nRFutil for generating and flashing the DFU package.

    Kind Regards,


  • Hello,

    Sorry, I was sick, which caused a delay in responding.

    Let's clarify a few things before moving further. I assume you are trying to flash your first programme to see whether the newly developed hardware is working fine. For flashing your first application, you are trying to put the custom board in the bootloader mode. But have you flashed the bootloader to your custom board? (I assumed you had done this and responded; sorry for that.) If not, you need to flash the bootloader (MCUboot). You can use J-Link for this. Build mcuboot for your custom board and flash it using the command-line tool.

    To enter bootloader mode, you need to trigger the bootloader on your board. For triggering, have you configured it just like what is done in DK?

    If your board enters bootloder mode, then you can generate a DFU package using nrfutil and flash it over UART. Read this blog on nRFutil for generating and flashing the DFU package.

    Kind Regards,


  • Hi,

      Thanks for your support!.

      Yes, I am trying to flash the bootloader into our custom design board for first time. I am on the process of building the boot for our custom board, our HW design looks fine and i got struck with initial boot.

      Currently, I am facing some issue in building the boot for my custom board. I will let you know, if any assistance needed.


    Jagan K
