Issue with IMU Sensor (LSM6DSV16X) Sample Rate in Sensor Hub Mode

I am using an IMU sensor in sensor hub mode (LSM6DSV16X, LIS2MDL) with the FIFO interrupt interval set at 30 Hz. The data is sent over BLE. It works perfectly when using RTT, but when I disable debug mode, the sample rate drops to around 1 Hz.

Could someone please help me resolve this issue?

Thank you.

Parents Reply
  • Hello,

    So I ran your application. Thanks for including the IMU_SIMULATION definition. It makes these things a lot simpler.

    Just to clarify, you see the same behavior when setting IMU_SIMULATION to 1 as well?

    When you say "disable logging", you mean setting these two in your prj.conf?


    If so, I see nowhere near 1 second. 

    I do, however, see this when I enable notifications on my central:

    So it is slower, but it is also actually sending notifications, so I expect there to be some delays.

    Can you please test the attached project, and measure pin P0.05 using the logic analyzer? What does it look like? (if you don't use the actual sensor, but the simulated sensor). Or does the issue only occur when you set IMU_SIMULATION to 0?

    Best regards,

