Issue with IMU Sensor (LSM6DSV16X) Sample Rate in Sensor Hub Mode

I am using an IMU sensor in sensor hub mode (LSM6DSV16X, LIS2MDL) with the FIFO interrupt interval set at 30 Hz. The data is sent over BLE. It works perfectly when using RTT, but when I disable debug mode, the sample rate drops to around 1 Hz.

Could someone please help me resolve this issue?

Thank you.

Parents Reply
  • Hello,

    SaeedZadeh said:
    There is no signal on this pin in any configuration.

    Did you connect to the device with a BLE central? It will not start toggling until ble_send() is called.

    I struggle to understand your snippets from the logic analyzer. I am sorry. What is the D2 line in your plot? If it isn't already, can you please try to toggle a pin every time you call ble_send()?

