Bootloading App Core and Net Core : DFU Failed on Image 1

My goal is to test Net Core updating so, if needed, I can update the Net Core.

I have my app set to boatload both the app core and net core using external memory but when I boatload using I always get the error below. I assume the hash value of the net core is not changing? I've even made small changes to v2.6.1\zephyr\samples\bluetooth\hci_ipc\src\main.c but it still gives the below hash value error. I know the App Core is updating because once I reset the device my app firmware version has changed. 

Image 1 [slot: 1] was tested but it did not switch to a pending state.

DFU failed: This image has already been flashed (hash value of the previous image matches current one.)

DFU Failed with Error: This image has already been flashed (hash value of the previous image matches current one.)


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