Bootloading App Core and Net Core : DFU Failed on Image 1

My goal is to test Net Core updating so, if needed, I can update the Net Core.

I have my app set to boatload both the app core and net core using external memory but when I boatload using I always get the error below. I assume the hash value of the net core is not changing? I've even made small changes to v2.6.1\zephyr\samples\bluetooth\hci_ipc\src\main.c but it still gives the below hash value error. I know the App Core is updating because once I reset the device my app firmware version has changed. 

Image 1 [slot: 1] was tested but it did not switch to a pending state.

DFU failed: This image has already been flashed (hash value of the previous image matches current one.)

DFU Failed with Error: This image has already been flashed (hash value of the previous image matches current one.)


Parents Reply
  • Hi,

    byte said:
    that a BT boot load is about to start?

    It's a bit unclear what you mean with this, could specify what you mean by this some more? To my understanding you're referring to either when you start to swap from MCUboot secondary app slot to MCUboot primary app slot or when you're entering MCUboot to upload the new firmware to MCUboot secondary slot. 

    Either way, the answer should be the same. It should exist something that you can use to get upload status, so I assume there should exist something that you can use for the purpose you describe. I will get back to you

    Kind regards,
