nRF52833 TAExt Extended Operating Temperature

The spec says "Some electrical parameters are valid only for the TA operating temperature conditions. "

  1. what is the "Some electrical parameters" here means?
  2. what will happen if LFXODEBOUNCE is enabled below Extended Operating Temperature?
Parents Reply
  • Hi

    The UART baudrate accuracy is dependent on HFCLK. I don't think LFXO is related. We do not see the risk of enabling LFXODEBOUNCE earlier when it hasn't reached the EOC condition. It is actually not allowed to change reg value LFXODEBOUNCE when LFXO is starting. 

    I would just like to emphasize that for UART it is essential that the HXFO is on, I would presume this is even more important in regards to temperature .  



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