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unable to sniff packets with wireshark setting higher connection intervals


I'm trying to sniff packets with wireshark by varying the connection interval and supervision timeout of my ble application. I see that with lower connection intervals i'm able to do this. The test was performing good util the values CI=1000ms supervision timeout = 2010. If I increase these two values to CI=2000ms and supervision timeout=4010 then wireshark is not able to sniff my ble communication. It sniffs some packets but it stops after some seconds. Should i change something in the wireshark settings to make me able to sniff packets also with higher connection intervals?

Sniffing process stops after connection parameters update has been performed.

  • Hello,

    What device are you using as the sniffer? and is it possible to upload the sniffer trace (.pcapng file) that you recorded that wasn't able to keep track of the connection?

    Best regards,


  • Hi Edvin, 

    I'm using a nRF52840 USB dongle as a sniffer. 

    The track is this: 


    As you can see there after connection parameter exchange the sniffing process ends

  • Is this what happened on the first time they disconnected in the trace as well? (around packet nr. 939?) I guess that was just a reset of the peripheral?

    At the end of the trace, are the devices still connected after the sniffer stops receiving packets? Or do you see something in the application logs indicating that the devices are no longer connected?

    And does it happen in the exact same place every time?

    From the sniffer trace, it doesn't look like this is the case, but your devices aren't bonded/paired? Right?

    And no, as far as I know, It shouldn't be any problems for the sniffer to keep track of a connection with connection interval = 2000ms. 

    Is there some way for me to reproduce what you are seeing? Are both your peripheral and central an nRF? Are they running on DKs?

    Best regards,


  • yes, the peripheral is firstly reset.

    In segger I can see that the communication with packet exchange has been correctly performed, but i cannot see the packet exchange in wireshark since the sniffing process stops immediatly after the parameter exchange. 

    It happens each time I set a connection interval which at least 2000ms.

    The devices are not bonded nor paired.

    The two boards are nrf52dk, I didn't tryed with other examples setting a CI of 2000ms but I will do 

  • sniffer_uart.pcapng

    This is a track done with the uart example setting:

    #define MAX_CONN_INTERVAL               MSEC_TO_UNITS(2000, UNIT_1_25_MS)

    #define MIN_CONN_INTERVAL               MSEC_TO_UNITS(2000, UNIT_1_25_MS)

    #define CONN_SUP_TIMEOUT                MSEC_TO_UNITS(8010, UNIT_10_MS)

    the problem is the same

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