nRF7000 2.4GHz only

Hi Team,

We are testing the nRF7000's Wi-Fi location feature to enhance our device's capabilities.

Our setup includes:

  • nRF52832 as a BLE beacon
  • nRF9160 as a host controller

Now, we want to add the nRF7000 for Wi-Fi location. Our device is small, so we plan to use the existing 2.4GHz antenna for both Wi-Fi and BLE.

We have a couple of questions:

  1. Using Only 2.4GHz on the nRF7000:

    • Can we use the nRF7000 with just the 2.4GHz antenna?
    • If yes, what should we do with the TXRF1 pin on the nRF7000?
  2. Coexistence Feature with nRF52832:

    • Can we implement the coexistence feature of the nRF7000 with the nRF52832?
    • I couldn't find the necessary information. Could you provide details?
    • Specifically, are there dedicated pins on the nRF52832 to connect with the COEX pins from the nRF7000?
