nRF7000 2.4GHz only

Hi Team,

We are testing the nRF7000's Wi-Fi location feature to enhance our device's capabilities.

Our setup includes:

  • nRF52832 as a BLE beacon
  • nRF9160 as a host controller

Now, we want to add the nRF7000 for Wi-Fi location. Our device is small, so we plan to use the existing 2.4GHz antenna for both Wi-Fi and BLE.

We have a couple of questions:

  1. Using Only 2.4GHz on the nRF7000:

    • Can we use the nRF7000 with just the 2.4GHz antenna?
    • If yes, what should we do with the TXRF1 pin on the nRF7000?
  2. Coexistence Feature with nRF52832:

    • Can we implement the coexistence feature of the nRF7000 with the nRF52832?
    • I couldn't find the necessary information. Could you provide details?
    • Specifically, are there dedicated pins on the nRF52832 to connect with the COEX pins from the nRF7000?

Parents Reply Children

    Thanks for the reply.

    It is not possible to use the nRF7000 with just an antenna.. It is a companion IC and needs to be used with an IC, preferably theRF5340.

    I assume you misunderstood my question. We are not planning to use only nRF7000, it will work with nRF9160. The question was if we can use only 2.4GHz antenna with nRF7000 and not implement the 5GHz? 

    For example, if we connect PAVDD1 pin to GND and leave TXRF1 unconnected?

    Bluetooth co-existence is currently not supported wih the nRF52832

    Will this feature be implemented in the future or this one will work only with nRF53 series? 

  • HI Roman,

    Sorry for the misunderstanding. It should be possible to use only the 2.4 GHz antenna with the nRF7000..

    See this ticket:  Antenna questions on nRF7002 - nRF5340   

    Roman Veselskyi said:
    Will this feature be implemented in the future or this one will work only with nRF53 series? 

    That seems to be the case for now.. or future plans and roadmaps, you will need to get in touch with your Regional Sales Manager.

    Best Regards,

