MQTT Sample Not Connecting on nRF9160 Board


Sorry, i am new to MQTT so may be asking a stupid question, please bear with me. 

I am trying to run the MQTT sample (nrf\samples\net\mqtt) and get the following output

*** Booting nRF Connect SDK v3.5.99-ncs1-1 ***
[00:00:00.312,896] <inf> network: Bringing network interface up and connecting to the network
[00:00:00.505,187] <inf> nrf_modem_lib_trace: Trace thread ready
[00:00:00.506,500] <inf> nrf_modem_lib_trace: Trace level override: 2
[00:00:00.508,270] <err> lte_lc: Could not send AT command, error: 65536
[00:00:00.508,270] <err> lte_lc: Failed to set system mode and mode preference, err -14
+CEREG: 2,"01B0","081A1682",7,0,0,"11100000","11100000"
+CNEC_ESM: 50,0
+CEREG: 1,"01B0","081A1682",7,,,"00011110","00011011"
[00:00:15.113,403] <inf> network: Network connectivity established
[00:00:43.618,835] <err> mqtt_helper: mqtt_connect, error: -116
[00:00:43.618,865] <err> transport: Failed connecting to MQTT, error code: -116

Looking at the cellular monitor, it suggests I am connecting?

Any pointers would be appreciated


  • Hello Rod, 

    What MQTT broker are you trying to connect? And with what SIM card? 

    From the start of the log, the LTE Link Controller reports the following

    [00:00:00.508,270] <err> lte_lc: Could not send AT command, error: 65536
    [00:00:00.508,270] <err> lte_lc: Failed to set system mode and mode preference, err -14

    #define NRF_EFAULT 14           /**< Bad address */
    #define NRF_ETIMEDOUT 116       /**< Connection timed out */
    Here is my output after building the default MQTT sample (with nRF Connect SDK v2.6.0)
    +CSCON: 1
    +CGEV: ME PDN ACT 0,0
    +CNEC_ESM: 50,0
    +CEREG: 5,"8173","01165700",7,,,"11100000","11100000"
    [00:00:09.843,292] <inf> network: Network connectivity established
    [00:00:15.231,231] <inf> transport: Connected to MQTT broker
    [00:00:15.231,262] <inf> transport: Hostname:
    [00:00:15.231,323] <inf> transport: Client ID: 350457791991456
    [00:00:15.231,323] <inf> transport: Port: 1883
    [00:00:15.231,353] <inf> transport: TLS: No
    [00:00:15.231,414] <inf> transport: Subscribing to: 350457791991456/my/subscribe/topic
    [00:00:15.303,253] <inf> transport: Subscribed to topic 350457791991456/my/subscribe/topic
    +CSCON: 0
    [00:01:00.324,523] <inf> transport: Published message: "Hello MQTT! Current uptime is: 60315" on topic: "350457791991456/my/publish/topic"
    +CSCON: 1
    +CSCON: 0
    [00:02:00.324,707] <inf> transport: Published message: "Hello MQTT! Current uptime is: 120315" on topic: "350457791991456/my/publish/topic"
    +CSCON: 1
    +CSCON: 0
    KInd regards,
  • Hi Øyvind,

    I have not changed the code so am trying to connect to the default of I am using a Tesco PAYG SIM currently but have tried SIMS from EE and Vodafone. Can you recommend one? I am based in the UK.



  • Hello, 

    RodWatt said:
    I am using a Tesco PAYG SIM currently but have tried SIMS from EE and Vodafone

    There does not seem to be an issue with the SIM you are using, from what I can see in the Cellular Monitor. You are connected to home network using LTE-M. The signal might be a little bad. 

    Could you please provide a modem trace from your device?

    Kind regards,

  • trace-2024-06-18T15-55-53.314Z.mtrace

    2024-06-18T15:55:37.810Z INFO Initialising nrfutil module: device
    2024-06-18T15:55:37.856Z DEBUG Application data folder: /Users/Watt/Library/Application Support/nrfconnect/pc-nrfconnect-cellularmonitor
    2024-06-18T15:55:37.907Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: running nrfutil device"
    2024-06-18T15:55:37.908Z DEBUG App pc-nrfconnect-cellularmonitor v2.4.0 (official)
    2024-06-18T15:55:37.908Z DEBUG App path: /Users/Watt/.nrfconnect-apps/node_modules/pc-nrfconnect-cellularmonitor
    2024-06-18T15:55:37.908Z DEBUG nRFConnect 5.0.0, required by the app is (>=4.4.1)
    2024-06-18T15:55:37.908Z DEBUG nRFConnect path: /Applications/nRF Connect for
    2024-06-18T15:55:37.908Z DEBUG HomeDir: /Users/Watt
    2024-06-18T15:55:37.908Z DEBUG TmpDir: /var/folders/6r/sz2bj71s1292yfx9dy5bj87r0000gn/T/
    2024-06-18T15:55:37.911Z DEBUG Could not locate wireshark executable in /Applications/
    2024-06-18T15:55:37.912Z DEBUG Could not locate wireshark executable in /Applications/
    2024-06-18T15:55:37.912Z DEBUG Could not locate wireshark executable in /Applications/
    2024-06-18T15:55:40.162Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: running nrfutil device"
    2024-06-18T15:55:46.489Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: running nrfutil device"
    2024-06-18T15:55:46.489Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: running nrfutil device"
    2024-06-18T15:55:46.491Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: running nrfutil device"
    2024-06-18T15:55:47.032Z INFO Using nrfutil-device core version: 7.12.0
    2024-06-18T15:55:47.180Z INFO Using nrfutil-device version: 2.1.1
    2024-06-18T15:55:47.180Z INFO Using nrf-device-lib version: 0.17.5
    2024-06-18T15:55:47.180Z INFO Using nrfjprog DLL version: 10.24.0
    2024-06-18T15:55:47.181Z INFO Using JLink version: JLink_V7.82 
    2024-06-18T15:55:47.181Z WARN Installed JLink version does not match the expected version (JLink_V7.94e)
    2024-06-18T15:55:47.262Z INFO Getting serialport options from persistent store 000960039212.pc-nrfconnect-cellularmonitor
    2024-06-18T15:55:47.263Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: device connected"
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.093Z DEBUG Could not locate wireshark executable in /Applications/
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.109Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: running nrfutil device"
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.416Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.1.4_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.416Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.1.4-FOTA-TEST_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.416Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.1.5_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.416Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.1.5-FOTA-TEST_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.416Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.2.3_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.416Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.2.3-FOTA-TEST_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.416Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.2.7_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.416Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.2.7-FOTA-TEST_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.416Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.2.8_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.416Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.2.8-FOTA-TEST_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.416Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.3.0_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.416Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.3.0-FOTA-TEST_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.417Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.3.1_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.417Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.3.1-FOTA-TEST_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.417Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.3.2_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.417Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.3.2-FOTA-TEST_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.417Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.3.3_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.417Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.3.3-FOTA-TEST_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.417Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.3.4_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.417Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.3.4-FOTA-TEST_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.417Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.3.5_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.417Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.3.5-FOTA-TEST_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.417Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.3.6_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.417Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.3.6-FOTA-TEST_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.503Z INFO Selected device with s/n 000960039212
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.507Z DEBUG Terminal Serial Port: Will attempt to auto-connect to serial port /dev/tty.usbmodem0009600392121
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.508Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: device selected"
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.519Z INFO Opened port with options: {"path":"/dev/tty.usbmodem0009600392121","baudRate":115200}
    2024-06-18T15:55:51.520Z DEBUG Terminal Serial Port: Could not detect AT Host library
    2024-06-18T15:55:53.314Z DEBUG Could not locate wireshark executable in /Applications/
    2024-06-18T15:55:54.324Z INFO Started tracefile
    2024-06-18T15:55:54.324Z INFO Refreshing dashboard in 5 seconds
    2024-06-18T15:55:54.325Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Starting Raw trace"
    2024-06-18T15:55:54.328Z DEBUG Could not locate wireshark executable in /Applications/
    2024-06-18T15:55:55.645Z INFO Detected trace DB: /Users/Watt/Library/Application Support/nrfconnect/pc-nrfconnect-cellularmonitor/trace_db_cache/nRF9160/1.2.3/0191538f-d3a5-4fe9-8f54-ba7cad9460c0/mfw_nrf9160_1.2.3_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:56:24.623Z INFO Device is in line mode.
    2024-06-18T15:56:24.623Z DEBUG Failed to auto detect modem version using AT+CGMR: ([00:01:11.461,944] <err> nrf_modem_lib_netif: Modem error: 0x10, PC: 0x692b6
    ASSERTION FAIL [!arch_is_in_isr()] @ WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/kernel/mutex.c:110
    	mutexes cannot be used inside ISRs
    [00:01:11.462,066] <err> os: r0/a1:  0x00000004  r1/a2:  0x0000006e  r2/a3:  0x00000003
    [00:01:11.462,097] <err> os: r3/a4:  0x20011248 r12/ip:  0x00000014 r14/lr:  0x0002104f
    [00:01:11.462,097] <err> os:  xpsr:  0x4100003a
    [00:01:11.462,097] <err> os: Faulting instruction address (r15/pc): 0x00025f36
    [00:01:11.462,158] <err> os: >>> ZEPHYR FATAL ERROR 4: Kernel pa)
    2024-06-18T15:56:24.623Z ERROR AT command AT+CFUN=1 failed: [00:01:11.461,944] <err> nrf_modem_lib_netif: Modem error: 0x10, PC: 0x692b6
    ASSERTION FAIL [!arch_is_in_isr()] @ WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/kernel/mutex.c:110
    	mutexes cannot be used inside ISRs
    [00:01:11.462,066] <err> os: r0/a1:  0x00000004  r1/a2:  0x0000006e  r2/a3:  0x00000003
    [00:01:11.462,097] <err> os: r3/a4:  0x20011248 r12/ip:  0x00000014 r14/lr:  0x0002104f
    [00:01:11.462,097] <err> os:  xpsr:  0x4100003a
    [00:01:11.462,097] <err> os: Faulting instruction address (r15/pc): 0x00025f36
    [00:01:11.462,158] <err> os: >>> ZEPHYR FATAL ERROR 4: Kernel pa
    2024-06-18T15:57:36.256Z ERROR AT command AT%XCONNSTAT=1 failed: nic on CPU 0
    [00:01:11.462,158] <err> os: Fault during interrupt handling
    [00:01:11.462,188] <err> os: Current thread: 0x20011a28 (unknown)
    [00:01:11.530,212] <err> fatal_error: Resetting system
    *** Booting nRF Connect SDK v3.5.99-ncs1-1 ***
    [00:00:00.251,831] <inf> network: Bringing network interface up and connecting to the network
    [00:00:00.444,274] <inf> nrf_modem_lib_trace: Trace thread ready
    [00:00:00.445,617] <inf> nrf_modem_lib_trace: Trace level override: 2
    [00:00:00.447,357] <err> lte_lc: Could not send AT command, error: 65536
    [00:00:00.447,387] <err> lte_lc: Failed to set system mode and mode preference, err -14
    +CEREG: 90
    [00:01:11.298,461] <err> nrf_modem_lib_netif: Modem error: 0x10, PC: 0x692b6
    ASSERTION FAIL [!arch_is_in_isr()] @ WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/kernel/mutex.c:110
    	mutexes cannot be used inside ISRs
    [00:01:11.298,553] <err> os: r0/a1:  0x00000004  r1/a2:  0x0000006e  r2/a3:  0x00000003
    [00:01:11.298,583] <err> os: r3/a4:  0x20011248 r12/ip:  0x00000014 r14/lr:  0x0002104f
    [00:01:11.298,583] <err> os:  xpsr:  0x4100003a
    [00:01:11.298,614] <err> os: Faulting instruction address (r15/pc): 0x00025f36
    [00:01:11.298,645] <err> os: >>> ZEPHYR FATAL ERROR
    2024-06-18T16:01:05.244Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Open serial terminal"
    2024-06-18T16:03:09.357Z DEBUG Could not locate wireshark executable in /Applications/
    2024-06-18T16:03:09.377Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Stopping trace"
    2024-06-18T16:03:09.397Z INFO Finished tracefile
    2024-06-18T16:03:48.593Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Open serial terminal"
    2024-06-18T16:04:10.398Z DEBUG Could not locate wireshark executable in /Applications/
    2024-06-18T16:04:10.449Z INFO Started tracefile
    2024-06-18T16:04:10.450Z INFO Refreshing dashboard in 5 seconds
    2024-06-18T16:04:10.466Z DEBUG Could not locate wireshark executable in /Applications/
    2024-06-18T16:04:10.518Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Starting Raw trace"
    2024-06-18T16:05:55.156Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Open file directory"
    2024-06-18T16:08:13.077Z DEBUG Could not locate wireshark executable in /Applications/
    2024-06-18T16:08:13.127Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Stopping trace"
    2024-06-18T16:08:13.174Z INFO Finished tracefile
    2024-06-18T16:08:22.343Z DEBUG Could not locate wireshark executable in /Applications/
    2024-06-18T16:08:22.344Z DEBUG Could not locate wireshark executable in /Applications/
    2024-06-18T16:08:22.357Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Toggle save trace to file"
    2024-06-18T16:08:27.952Z DEBUG Could not locate wireshark executable in /Applications/
    2024-06-18T16:08:27.954Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Toggle save trace to file"
    2024-06-18T16:09:56.957Z DEBUG Could not locate wireshark executable in /Applications/
    2024-06-18T16:09:56.996Z INFO Started tracefile
    2024-06-18T16:09:56.997Z INFO Reseting device
    2024-06-18T16:09:57.012Z DEBUG Could not locate wireshark executable in /Applications/
    2024-06-18T16:09:57.074Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Starting Raw trace"
    2024-06-18T16:09:57.095Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: running nrfutil device"
    2024-06-18T16:10:02.406Z INFO Refreshing dashboard in 5 seconds
    2024-06-18T16:10:34.450Z DEBUG Could not locate wireshark executable in /Applications/
    2024-06-18T16:10:34.483Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Stopping trace"
    2024-06-18T16:10:34.564Z INFO Finished tracefile
    2024-06-18T16:10:38.307Z DEBUG Could not locate wireshark executable in /Applications/
    2024-06-18T16:10:38.339Z INFO Started tracefile
    2024-06-18T16:10:38.340Z INFO Reseting device
    2024-06-18T16:10:38.354Z DEBUG Could not locate wireshark executable in /Applications/
    2024-06-18T16:10:38.524Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Starting Raw trace"
    2024-06-18T16:10:38.570Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: running nrfutil device"
    2024-06-18T16:10:44.714Z INFO Refreshing dashboard in 5 seconds
    2024-06-18T16:11:08.476Z DEBUG Could not locate wireshark executable in /Applications/
    2024-06-18T16:11:08.693Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Stopping trace"
    2024-06-18T16:11:08.758Z INFO Finished tracefile
    2024-06-18T16:15:18.527Z DEBUG Could not locate wireshark executable in /Applications/
    2024-06-18T16:15:18.527Z DEBUG Could not locate wireshark executable in /Applications/
    2024-06-18T16:15:18.528Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Toggle save trace to file"
    2024-06-18T16:16:13.406Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Toggle save trace to file"
    2024-06-18T16:16:14.277Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Toggle save trace to file"
    2024-06-18T16:16:21.981Z INFO Started tracefile
    2024-06-18T16:16:21.982Z INFO Reseting device
    2024-06-18T16:16:21.989Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Starting Raw trace"
    2024-06-18T16:16:21.989Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Starting Live trace"
    2024-06-18T16:16:21.992Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: running nrfutil device"
    2024-06-18T16:17:58.881Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Stopping trace"
    2024-06-18T16:17:58.888Z INFO Finished tracefile
    2024-06-18T16:18:02.134Z INFO Started tracefile
    2024-06-18T16:18:02.134Z INFO Reseting device
    2024-06-18T16:18:02.142Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Starting Raw trace"
    2024-06-18T16:18:02.142Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Starting Live trace"
    2024-06-18T16:18:02.146Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: running nrfutil device"
    2024-06-18T16:18:15.954Z ERROR Error when creating trace: wireshark process closed or pipe error  plugin path: /Users/Watt/.nrfconnect-apps/node_modules/pc-nrfconnect-cellularmonitor/node_modules/@nordicsemiconductor/nrf-monitor-lib-js/Release/darwin-x64/nrfml-wireshark-named-pipe-sink.nrfml
    2024-06-18T16:18:15.954Z DEBUG Full error: {"error_code":21,"message":"wireshark process closed or pipe error  plugin path: /Users/Watt/.nrfconnect-apps/node_modules/pc-nrfconnect-cellularmonitor/node_modules/@nordicsemiconductor/nrf-monitor-lib-js/Release/darwin-x64/nrfml-wireshark-named-pipe-sink.nrfml","origin":"Error when running nrfml operation worker."}
    2024-06-18T16:18:42.554Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Stopping trace"
    2024-06-18T16:19:00.073Z INFO Started tracefile
    2024-06-18T16:19:00.073Z INFO Reseting device
    2024-06-18T16:19:00.096Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Starting Raw trace"
    2024-06-18T16:19:00.097Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Starting Live trace"
    2024-06-18T16:19:00.100Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: running nrfutil device"
    2024-06-18T16:19:12.642Z ERROR Error when creating trace: wireshark process closed or pipe error  plugin path: /Users/Watt/.nrfconnect-apps/node_modules/pc-nrfconnect-cellularmonitor/node_modules/@nordicsemiconductor/nrf-monitor-lib-js/Release/darwin-x64/nrfml-wireshark-named-pipe-sink.nrfml
    2024-06-18T16:19:12.642Z DEBUG Full error: {"error_code":21,"message":"wireshark process closed or pipe error  plugin path: /Users/Watt/.nrfconnect-apps/node_modules/pc-nrfconnect-cellularmonitor/node_modules/@nordicsemiconductor/nrf-monitor-lib-js/Release/darwin-x64/nrfml-wireshark-named-pipe-sink.nrfml","origin":"Error when running nrfml operation worker."}
    2024-06-18T16:20:49.573Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Stopping trace"
    2024-06-18T16:20:51.402Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Toggle save trace to file"
    2024-06-18T16:26:44.102Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Open file directory"
    2024-06-18T16:26:44.310Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Open file directory"

    is this what you need?


  • trace-2024-06-18T15-55-53.314Z.mtrace

    2024-06-18T15:55:37.810Z INFO Initialising nrfutil module: device
    2024-06-18T15:55:37.856Z DEBUG Application data folder: /Users/Watt/Library/Application Support/nrfconnect/pc-nrfconnect-cellularmonitor
    2024-06-18T15:55:37.907Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: running nrfutil device"
    2024-06-18T15:55:37.908Z DEBUG App pc-nrfconnect-cellularmonitor v2.4.0 (official)
    2024-06-18T15:55:37.908Z DEBUG App path: /Users/Watt/.nrfconnect-apps/node_modules/pc-nrfconnect-cellularmonitor
    2024-06-18T15:55:37.908Z DEBUG nRFConnect 5.0.0, required by the app is (>=4.4.1)
    2024-06-18T15:55:37.908Z DEBUG nRFConnect path: /Applications/nRF Connect for
    2024-06-18T15:55:37.908Z DEBUG HomeDir: /Users/Watt
    2024-06-18T15:55:37.908Z DEBUG TmpDir: /var/folders/6r/sz2bj71s1292yfx9dy5bj87r0000gn/T/
    2024-06-18T15:55:37.911Z DEBUG Could not locate wireshark executable in /Applications/
    2024-06-18T15:55:37.912Z DEBUG Could not locate wireshark executable in /Applications/
    2024-06-18T15:55:37.912Z DEBUG Could not locate wireshark executable in /Applications/
    2024-06-18T15:55:40.162Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: running nrfutil device"
    2024-06-18T15:55:46.489Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: running nrfutil device"
    2024-06-18T15:55:46.489Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: running nrfutil device"
    2024-06-18T15:55:46.491Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: running nrfutil device"
    2024-06-18T15:55:47.032Z INFO Using nrfutil-device core version: 7.12.0
    2024-06-18T15:55:47.180Z INFO Using nrfutil-device version: 2.1.1
    2024-06-18T15:55:47.180Z INFO Using nrf-device-lib version: 0.17.5
    2024-06-18T15:55:47.180Z INFO Using nrfjprog DLL version: 10.24.0
    2024-06-18T15:55:47.181Z INFO Using JLink version: JLink_V7.82 
    2024-06-18T15:55:47.181Z WARN Installed JLink version does not match the expected version (JLink_V7.94e)
    2024-06-18T15:55:47.262Z INFO Getting serialport options from persistent store 000960039212.pc-nrfconnect-cellularmonitor
    2024-06-18T15:55:47.263Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: device connected"
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.093Z DEBUG Could not locate wireshark executable in /Applications/
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.109Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: running nrfutil device"
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.416Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.1.4_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.416Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.1.4-FOTA-TEST_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.416Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.1.5_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.416Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.1.5-FOTA-TEST_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.416Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.2.3_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.416Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.2.3-FOTA-TEST_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.416Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.2.7_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.416Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.2.7-FOTA-TEST_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.416Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.2.8_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.416Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.2.8-FOTA-TEST_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.416Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.3.0_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.416Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.3.0-FOTA-TEST_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.417Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.3.1_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.417Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.3.1-FOTA-TEST_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.417Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.3.2_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.417Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.3.2-FOTA-TEST_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.417Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.3.3_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.417Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.3.3-FOTA-TEST_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.417Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.3.4_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.417Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.3.4-FOTA-TEST_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.417Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.3.5_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.417Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.3.5-FOTA-TEST_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.417Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.3.6_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.417Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.3.6-FOTA-TEST_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.503Z INFO Selected device with s/n 000960039212
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.507Z DEBUG Terminal Serial Port: Will attempt to auto-connect to serial port /dev/tty.usbmodem0009600392121
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.508Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: device selected"
    2024-06-18T15:55:50.519Z INFO Opened port with options: {"path":"/dev/tty.usbmodem0009600392121","baudRate":115200}
    2024-06-18T15:55:51.520Z DEBUG Terminal Serial Port: Could not detect AT Host library
    2024-06-18T15:55:53.314Z DEBUG Could not locate wireshark executable in /Applications/
    2024-06-18T15:55:54.324Z INFO Started tracefile
    2024-06-18T15:55:54.324Z INFO Refreshing dashboard in 5 seconds
    2024-06-18T15:55:54.325Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Starting Raw trace"
    2024-06-18T15:55:54.328Z DEBUG Could not locate wireshark executable in /Applications/
    2024-06-18T15:55:55.645Z INFO Detected trace DB: /Users/Watt/Library/Application Support/nrfconnect/pc-nrfconnect-cellularmonitor/trace_db_cache/nRF9160/1.2.3/0191538f-d3a5-4fe9-8f54-ba7cad9460c0/mfw_nrf9160_1.2.3_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:56:24.623Z INFO Device is in line mode.
    2024-06-18T15:56:24.623Z DEBUG Failed to auto detect modem version using AT+CGMR: ([00:01:11.461,944] <err> nrf_modem_lib_netif: Modem error: 0x10, PC: 0x692b6
    ASSERTION FAIL [!arch_is_in_isr()] @ WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/kernel/mutex.c:110
    	mutexes cannot be used inside ISRs
    [00:01:11.462,066] <err> os: r0/a1:  0x00000004  r1/a2:  0x0000006e  r2/a3:  0x00000003
    [00:01:11.462,097] <err> os: r3/a4:  0x20011248 r12/ip:  0x00000014 r14/lr:  0x0002104f
    [00:01:11.462,097] <err> os:  xpsr:  0x4100003a
    [00:01:11.462,097] <err> os: Faulting instruction address (r15/pc): 0x00025f36
    [00:01:11.462,158] <err> os: >>> ZEPHYR FATAL ERROR 4: Kernel pa)
    2024-06-18T15:56:24.623Z ERROR AT command AT+CFUN=1 failed: [00:01:11.461,944] <err> nrf_modem_lib_netif: Modem error: 0x10, PC: 0x692b6
    ASSERTION FAIL [!arch_is_in_isr()] @ WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/kernel/mutex.c:110
    	mutexes cannot be used inside ISRs
    [00:01:11.462,066] <err> os: r0/a1:  0x00000004  r1/a2:  0x0000006e  r2/a3:  0x00000003
    [00:01:11.462,097] <err> os: r3/a4:  0x20011248 r12/ip:  0x00000014 r14/lr:  0x0002104f
    [00:01:11.462,097] <err> os:  xpsr:  0x4100003a
    [00:01:11.462,097] <err> os: Faulting instruction address (r15/pc): 0x00025f36
    [00:01:11.462,158] <err> os: >>> ZEPHYR FATAL ERROR 4: Kernel pa
    2024-06-18T15:57:36.256Z ERROR AT command AT%XCONNSTAT=1 failed: nic on CPU 0
    [00:01:11.462,158] <err> os: Fault during interrupt handling
    [00:01:11.462,188] <err> os: Current thread: 0x20011a28 (unknown)
    [00:01:11.530,212] <err> fatal_error: Resetting system
    *** Booting nRF Connect SDK v3.5.99-ncs1-1 ***
    [00:00:00.251,831] <inf> network: Bringing network interface up and connecting to the network
    [00:00:00.444,274] <inf> nrf_modem_lib_trace: Trace thread ready
    [00:00:00.445,617] <inf> nrf_modem_lib_trace: Trace level override: 2
    [00:00:00.447,357] <err> lte_lc: Could not send AT command, error: 65536
    [00:00:00.447,387] <err> lte_lc: Failed to set system mode and mode preference, err -14
    +CEREG: 90
    [00:01:11.298,461] <err> nrf_modem_lib_netif: Modem error: 0x10, PC: 0x692b6
    ASSERTION FAIL [!arch_is_in_isr()] @ WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/kernel/mutex.c:110
    	mutexes cannot be used inside ISRs
    [00:01:11.298,553] <err> os: r0/a1:  0x00000004  r1/a2:  0x0000006e  r2/a3:  0x00000003
    [00:01:11.298,583] <err> os: r3/a4:  0x20011248 r12/ip:  0x00000014 r14/lr:  0x0002104f
    [00:01:11.298,583] <err> os:  xpsr:  0x4100003a
    [00:01:11.298,614] <err> os: Faulting instruction address (r15/pc): 0x00025f36
    [00:01:11.298,645] <err> os: >>> ZEPHYR FATAL ERROR
    2024-06-18T16:01:05.244Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Open serial terminal"
    2024-06-18T16:03:09.357Z DEBUG Could not locate wireshark executable in /Applications/
    2024-06-18T16:03:09.377Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Stopping trace"
    2024-06-18T16:03:09.397Z INFO Finished tracefile
    2024-06-18T16:03:48.593Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Open serial terminal"
    2024-06-18T16:04:10.398Z DEBUG Could not locate wireshark executable in /Applications/
    2024-06-18T16:04:10.449Z INFO Started tracefile
    2024-06-18T16:04:10.450Z INFO Refreshing dashboard in 5 seconds
    2024-06-18T16:04:10.466Z DEBUG Could not locate wireshark executable in /Applications/
    2024-06-18T16:04:10.518Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Starting Raw trace"
    2024-06-18T16:05:55.156Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Open file directory"
    2024-06-18T16:08:13.077Z DEBUG Could not locate wireshark executable in /Applications/
    2024-06-18T16:08:13.127Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Stopping trace"
    2024-06-18T16:08:13.174Z INFO Finished tracefile
    2024-06-18T16:08:22.343Z DEBUG Could not locate wireshark executable in /Applications/
    2024-06-18T16:08:22.344Z DEBUG Could not locate wireshark executable in /Applications/
    2024-06-18T16:08:22.357Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Toggle save trace to file"
    2024-06-18T16:08:27.952Z DEBUG Could not locate wireshark executable in /Applications/
    2024-06-18T16:08:27.954Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Toggle save trace to file"
    2024-06-18T16:09:56.957Z DEBUG Could not locate wireshark executable in /Applications/
    2024-06-18T16:09:56.996Z INFO Started tracefile
    2024-06-18T16:09:56.997Z INFO Reseting device
    2024-06-18T16:09:57.012Z DEBUG Could not locate wireshark executable in /Applications/
    2024-06-18T16:09:57.074Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Starting Raw trace"
    2024-06-18T16:09:57.095Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: running nrfutil device"
    2024-06-18T16:10:02.406Z INFO Refreshing dashboard in 5 seconds
    2024-06-18T16:10:34.450Z DEBUG Could not locate wireshark executable in /Applications/
    2024-06-18T16:10:34.483Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Stopping trace"
    2024-06-18T16:10:34.564Z INFO Finished tracefile
    2024-06-18T16:10:38.307Z DEBUG Could not locate wireshark executable in /Applications/
    2024-06-18T16:10:38.339Z INFO Started tracefile
    2024-06-18T16:10:38.340Z INFO Reseting device
    2024-06-18T16:10:38.354Z DEBUG Could not locate wireshark executable in /Applications/
    2024-06-18T16:10:38.524Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Starting Raw trace"
    2024-06-18T16:10:38.570Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: running nrfutil device"
    2024-06-18T16:10:44.714Z INFO Refreshing dashboard in 5 seconds
    2024-06-18T16:11:08.476Z DEBUG Could not locate wireshark executable in /Applications/
    2024-06-18T16:11:08.693Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Stopping trace"
    2024-06-18T16:11:08.758Z INFO Finished tracefile
    2024-06-18T16:15:18.527Z DEBUG Could not locate wireshark executable in /Applications/
    2024-06-18T16:15:18.527Z DEBUG Could not locate wireshark executable in /Applications/
    2024-06-18T16:15:18.528Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Toggle save trace to file"
    2024-06-18T16:16:13.406Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Toggle save trace to file"
    2024-06-18T16:16:14.277Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Toggle save trace to file"
    2024-06-18T16:16:21.981Z INFO Started tracefile
    2024-06-18T16:16:21.982Z INFO Reseting device
    2024-06-18T16:16:21.989Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Starting Raw trace"
    2024-06-18T16:16:21.989Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Starting Live trace"
    2024-06-18T16:16:21.992Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: running nrfutil device"
    2024-06-18T16:17:58.881Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Stopping trace"
    2024-06-18T16:17:58.888Z INFO Finished tracefile
    2024-06-18T16:18:02.134Z INFO Started tracefile
    2024-06-18T16:18:02.134Z INFO Reseting device
    2024-06-18T16:18:02.142Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Starting Raw trace"
    2024-06-18T16:18:02.142Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Starting Live trace"
    2024-06-18T16:18:02.146Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: running nrfutil device"
    2024-06-18T16:18:15.954Z ERROR Error when creating trace: wireshark process closed or pipe error  plugin path: /Users/Watt/.nrfconnect-apps/node_modules/pc-nrfconnect-cellularmonitor/node_modules/@nordicsemiconductor/nrf-monitor-lib-js/Release/darwin-x64/nrfml-wireshark-named-pipe-sink.nrfml
    2024-06-18T16:18:15.954Z DEBUG Full error: {"error_code":21,"message":"wireshark process closed or pipe error  plugin path: /Users/Watt/.nrfconnect-apps/node_modules/pc-nrfconnect-cellularmonitor/node_modules/@nordicsemiconductor/nrf-monitor-lib-js/Release/darwin-x64/nrfml-wireshark-named-pipe-sink.nrfml","origin":"Error when running nrfml operation worker."}
    2024-06-18T16:18:42.554Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Stopping trace"
    2024-06-18T16:19:00.073Z INFO Started tracefile
    2024-06-18T16:19:00.073Z INFO Reseting device
    2024-06-18T16:19:00.096Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Starting Raw trace"
    2024-06-18T16:19:00.097Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Starting Live trace"
    2024-06-18T16:19:00.100Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: running nrfutil device"
    2024-06-18T16:19:12.642Z ERROR Error when creating trace: wireshark process closed or pipe error  plugin path: /Users/Watt/.nrfconnect-apps/node_modules/pc-nrfconnect-cellularmonitor/node_modules/@nordicsemiconductor/nrf-monitor-lib-js/Release/darwin-x64/nrfml-wireshark-named-pipe-sink.nrfml
    2024-06-18T16:19:12.642Z DEBUG Full error: {"error_code":21,"message":"wireshark process closed or pipe error  plugin path: /Users/Watt/.nrfconnect-apps/node_modules/pc-nrfconnect-cellularmonitor/node_modules/@nordicsemiconductor/nrf-monitor-lib-js/Release/darwin-x64/nrfml-wireshark-named-pipe-sink.nrfml","origin":"Error when running nrfml operation worker."}
    2024-06-18T16:20:49.573Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Stopping trace"
    2024-06-18T16:20:51.402Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Toggle save trace to file"
    2024-06-18T16:26:44.102Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Open file directory"
    2024-06-18T16:26:44.310Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Open file directory"

    is this what you need?

