The Error Vector Magnitude (EVM) performance of the Nordic7002EK in the 5G frequency band is not good

Hi all,

I am using the Nordic 7002 EK board with the Nordic 5340 DK board.

When I conducted the production testing (using IQ xstream), I found that for TX-HT-MCS7 in the 5520 channel, the TX power was 14.5 dB but the EVM was only about -20 dB (usually it is about -27 dB).

I checked the OTP area to see if I could decrease the TX power to improve the EVM, but only the MAC address or the CALIB can be changed.

Is there anything I can do to improve it or is this the limit for the EVM test?

Thanks & regards

Parents Reply Children
  • Hi  , 

    1. All our measurements refer to output of RF pin. Are the power numbers measured (by you here) refer to output of RF pin? Or measured at the output of SMA connector?

    2. What is the command sequence used for these measurements? Please share the command sequence.

    3. Please confirm that hex shared by customer is built with NCS release 2.6.x codebase.

  • 7180.zephyr.hex

    Hi, Jonathan

    Thanks for your replay.

    1. We measured at the output of SMA connector.

    2. We use the commands from wifi radio test, here is an example about how we test  G mode in channel 2412.

    wifi_radio_test init 1
    wifi_radio_test tx_pkt_tput_mode 0
    wifi_radio_test tx_pkt_rate 54
    wifi_radio_test tx_power 18
    wifi_radio_test tx 1

    3. Sure, here is the version of my build environment, and I upload the radio_test 's .hex file for 5340DK & 7002EK if you need it.

  • Thanks! have forwarded internally and will update when i have something. 

  • Hi  ,

    1. Our measurements in product spec are taken at the output of RF. Please compensate for PCB losses or any other losses between RF pin and SMA connector.

    2. Get power measurements without issuing tx_power command (i.e., wifi_radio_test tx_power 18 in your command sequence below) . This will provide measurements with default tx power settings. Use NCS 2.7.0 codebase for these measurements.

  • Hi,Jonathan

    1. We added the losses between RFpin and SMA connector.

    2. I downloaded the latest sdk 2.7.0 and tried again, it did not work, here is the data I got.

    And I want to ask the following questions:

    1. Does the nrf5340DK combined with the nrf7002EK perform worse than the nrf7002DK in testing? I think the nrf7002DK might perform better.

    2. Do you have reference data for the EVM test of the nrf5340DK  with nrf7002EK?

    3. Is there a way to adjust the power settings in the register or OTP for the nrf7002 module? This adjustment could potentially resolve the issue and help us with out production testing.

    If this performance is the best that the module can do, we might accept it.

    Thanks for your help!
