The Error Vector Magnitude (EVM) performance of the Nordic7002EK in the 5G frequency band is not good

Hi all,

I am using the Nordic 7002 EK board with the Nordic 5340 DK board.

When I conducted the production testing (using IQ xstream), I found that for TX-HT-MCS7 in the 5520 channel, the TX power was 14.5 dB but the EVM was only about -20 dB (usually it is about -27 dB).

I checked the OTP area to see if I could decrease the TX power to improve the EVM, but only the MAC address or the CALIB can be changed.

Is there anything I can do to improve it or is this the limit for the EVM test?

Thanks & regards

Parents Reply
  • Hi  ,

    1. Our measurements in product spec are taken at the output of RF. Please compensate for PCB losses or any other losses between RF pin and SMA connector.

    2. Get power measurements without issuing tx_power command (i.e., wifi_radio_test tx_power 18 in your command sequence below) . This will provide measurements with default tx power settings. Use NCS 2.7.0 codebase for these measurements.

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