Low Power mode using GNSS sample code with nRF9160 DK


I am investigating low power modes in the nRF9160. I am currently using the GNSS sample code and getting around 36mA. Is there any way to configure the base code to achieve a much lower current? Ideally, I want to drop the current from mA to uA if possible.

I only need the GNSS sample code to basically locate my device every 2 hours

So, my main questions are:

How do I activate low power or sleep mode in the nRF9160?

How can I configure the GNSS sample code to achieve low current consumption?


Parents Reply Children
  • Hi Charlie, thanks for this site. I have tried to implement the same configurations for the GNSS sample code but still had no luck.

    I have to work with the GNSS sample and with SDK 1.9.0 due to this being a product for the NETSTAR customer. Your responses are appreciated.

    The nRF9160 with the GNSS sample code consumes 36mA and then drops to around 440uA as expected. If I am able to disable all debug in the serial terminal, then this should drop the current to 2uA-4uA which is my intended goal.


