PDM Channel swapping at High PDM clock

Dear Nordic Team, 
I am currently working with 2 Infineon IM73D122V01 PDM Mems microphones to obtain stereo data, One is configured as left and the other is configured as right channel, To achieve better SNR, Infineon recommends using 3.072MHz PDM Clock, I am currently using 3.2Mhz clock with a ratio of 80.
For testing purposes i have covered the left microphone with glue and playing a fix 500hz tone to the mic and checking the output. 

1. For mono recording the setup works I can verify the frequency in STFT graph and i can see that the sensitivity of the left channel is considerable low.

2. For stereo recording i can still verify the frequency on both channels to be correct however the channels have swapped for some reason, left channel is supposed to be less sensitive (low amplitude in time domain plot), however i am getting more sensitivity on left channel as compared to right channel. 

3. I have also checked on 1.28MHz PDM clock and Stereo recording is correct (Channels are NOT swapped), 

4. I have also checked on different set of Microphones (Vesper VM3000) and i am seeing the same behaviour (Mono channel works correctly for both 1.28MHz and 3.2 MHz, stereo works for 1.28MHz but channel swapped for 3.2MHz).

What could be the reason for the channel swapping at 3.2MHz PDM clock and what is he solution to this problem. 

I am using NRF52840 module with NRF5SDK. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you

  • Hi again Obaid

    Okay, thank you for the clarification. It seems very strange that it would swap like this. Would it be possible for you to use a scope to check the left-right word alignment for both scenarios so we can see if this is the driver that messes up or what. I have asked a bit around but we can't recall seeing this issue in the past unfortunately.

    Best regards,


  • HI Simonr sorry for the late reply, 
    I have captured the oscilloscopes outputs for both cases, In all the images the red graph is clock and blue graph is data line, 

    Here is the output of the oscilloscope for 1.2MHz clock with 1us divisions 

    I have also captured the result at 200ns division for 1.2MHz clock

    Similarly here is the output for 3.2MHz clock with 1us division 

    and here is the output at 200ns Division for 3.2MHz clock 

    I have also uploaded the complete logs on google drive as i cannot upload the files here, so if you want to view the complete logs you can use this Google Drive Link.
    Please note that you need picoscope software to view the logs. 

    Thank you

  • Hi Obaid,

    Simon is unfortunately out of office at the moment. He will return after next week and continue to help you.


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