SPIS (SPI Slave interface) Set Up and Hold Timings

In evaluating whether the nRF52833 can connect to our host microprocessor as a SPI slave, I noticed the set up and hold times listed in the data book nRF52833_PS_v1.6 as:

- tSUCSN (CSN to CLK setup time) = 1000 nanoseconds minimum

- tHCSN IVLK to CSN hold time) = 1000 nanoseconds minimum

Most SPI peripherals that I've worked worth have significantly shorter minimum setup and hold minimums - more in the 80 to 100 nanosecond range. Our SPI hardware doesn't honor such long setup and hold times and can't be modified for longer setup and hold times.

Can anyone verify that these minimum timings are correct? Or can the nRf52833 acting as a SPI slave shorten these timings programatically?
