otDatasetCreateNewNetwork () causes a MPU FAULT in SDK 2.6.0


I use the above function to create a new dataset. When I use SDK 2.3.0, this works perfectly. But when I use SDK 2.6.0 I get the following.

[00:00:06.162,597] <err> os: ***** MPU FAULT *****
[00:00:06.162,628] <err> os:   Data Access Violation
[00:00:06.162,628] <err> os:   MMFAR Address: 0x20013e3c
[00:00:06.162,658] <err> os: r0/a1:  0x20013e48  r1/a2:  0x00000000  r2/a3:  0x00000228
[00:00:06.162,689] <err> os: r3/a4:  0x00000000 r12/ip:  0x00000000 r14/lr:  0x0006005b
[00:00:06.162,689] <err> os:  xpsr:  0x410f0000
[00:00:06.162,719] <err> os: s[ 0]:  0x00000000  s[ 1]:  0x00000000  s[ 2]:  0x00000000  s[ 3]:  0x00000000
[00:00:06.162,719] <err> os: s[ 4]:  0xffffffff  s[ 5]:  0xffffffff  s[ 6]:  0x00000000  s[ 7]:  0x0002d26f
[00:00:06.162,750] <err> os: s[ 8]:  0xffffffff  s[ 9]:  0x20003078  s[10]:  0x2000c280  s[11]:  0xffffffff
[00:00:06.162,780] <err> os: s[12]:  0xffffffff  s[13]:  0x0002edff  s[14]:  0xffffffff  s[15]:  0xffffffff
[00:00:06.162,811] <err> os: fpscr:  0xaaaaaaaa
[00:00:06.162,811] <err> os: Faulting instruction address (r15/pc): 0x0002c206
[00:00:06.162,841] <err> os: >>> ZEPHYR FATAL ERROR 2: Stack overflow on CPU 0
[00:00:06.162,902] <err> os: Current thread: 0x200031a8 (shell_uart)
[00:00:06.394,195] <err> fatal_error: Resetting system

When I tried 

arm-zephyr-eabi-addr2line.exe -e C:\nrfwork\zmhostradiofw\release\zephyr\zephyr.elf -a 0x0002c206

I get ??.?. 

I tried adding the following to the prj.conf, but no improvement.

I can see there is a difference between how SDK 2.3.0 and SDK 2.6.0 implement 'commissioner dataset init new' and 'dataset commit active'. So I tried to bring how the CLI is implemented in SDK 2.6.0  as follows.
otError cli_cmsn (void *aContext, uint8_t aArgsLength, char *aArgs[]) {
    otCliOutputFormat ("\n\rCreate new dataset ");
	error = otDatasetCreateNewNetwork(instance, &aDataset);	// create new dataset
	error = otDatasetConvertToTlvs(&aDataset, &aDatasetTlvs);   // SDK 2.6.0
	if (error != OT_ERROR_NONE) {
		otCliOutputFormat ("create new dataset error");
	 	return (error);

	otCliOutputFormat ("\n\r active new dataset ");
	//error = otDatasetSetActive(instance, &aDataset);	// active new dataset SDK 2.3.0
	error = otDatasetSetActiveTlvs(instance, &aDatasetTlvs);
	if (error != OT_ERROR_NONE) {
		otCliOutputFormat ("active new dataset error");
		return (error);
But now I get even weirder kernel panic as follows.
[00:00:08.872,985] <err> os: ***** MPU FAULT *****
[00:00:08.873,016] <err> os:   Stacking error (context area might be not valid)
[00:00:08.873,046] <err> os:   Data Access Violation
[00:00:08.873,046] <err> os:   MMFAR Address: 0x20013e68
[00:00:08.873,077] <err> os: r0/a1:  0x2000c280  r1/a2:  0xffffffff  r2/a3:  0xffffffff
[00:00:08.873,077] <err> os: r3/a4:  0x0002edfb r12/ip:  0xffffffff r14/lr:  0xffffffff
[00:00:08.873,107] <err> os:  xpsr:  0xaaaaaa00
[00:00:08.873,138] <err> os: s[ 0]:  0xaaaaaaaa  s[ 1]:  0xaaaaaaaa  s[ 2]:  0xaaaaaaaa  s[ 3]:  0xaaaaaaaa
[00:00:08.873,138] <err> os: s[ 4]:  0xaaaaaaaa  s[ 5]:  0xaaaaaaaa  s[ 6]:  0xaaaaaaaa  s[ 7]:  0xaaaaaaaa
[00:00:08.873,168] <err> os: s[ 8]:  0xaaaaaaaa  s[ 9]:  0xaaaaaaaa  s[10]:  0xaaaaaaaa  s[11]:  0xaaaaaaaa
[00:00:08.873,199] <err> os: s[12]:  0xaaaaaaaa  s[13]:  0xaaaaaaaa  s[14]:  0xaaaaaaaa  s[15]:  0xaaaaaaaa
[00:00:08.873,199] <err> os: fpscr:  0xaaaaaaaa
[00:00:08.873,229] <err> os: Faulting instruction address (r15/pc): 0xaaaaaaaa
[00:00:08.873,260] <err> os: >>> ZEPHYR FATAL ERROR 2: Stack overflow on CPU 0
[00:00:08.873,291] <err> os: Current thread: 0x200031a8 (shell_uart)
[00:00:09.121,612] <err> fatal_error: Resetting system
What is going wrong with SDK 2.6.0?
  • I run thread analyzer just before calling ' error = otDatasetCreateNewNetwork(instance, &aDataset); // create new dataset' and I get the following.

     Thread stop Thread analyze:
     CoAP-sock-recv      : STACK: unused 592 usage 408 / 1000 (40 %); CPU: 0 %
          : Total CPU cycles used: 1
     rx_q[0]             : STACK: unused 1272 usage 328 / 1600 (20 %); CPU: 0 %
          : Total CPU cycles used: 103
     openthread          : STACK: unused 3500 usage 2676 / 6176 (43 %); CPU: 0 %
          : Total CPU cycles used: 3834
     ot_radio_workq      : STACK: unused 512 usage 448 / 960 (46 %); CPU: 0 %
          : Total CPU cycles used: 119
     nrf5_rx             : STACK: unused 408 usage 328 / 736 (44 %); CPU: 0 %
          : Total CPU cycles used: 64
     sysworkq            : STACK: unused 1608 usage 376 / 1984 (18 %); CPU: 10 %
          : Total CPU cycles used: 149404
     MPSL Work           : STACK: unused 568 usage 392 / 960 (40 %); CPU: 0 %
          : Total CPU cycles used: 117
     shell_uart          : STACK: unused 1152 usage 2016 / 3168 (63 %); CPU: 0 %
          : Total CPU cycles used: 2700
     logging             : STACK: unused 1432 usage 616 / 2048 (30 %); CPU: 0 %
          : Total CPU cycles used: 1568
     idle                : STACK: unused 272 usage 48 / 320 (15 %); CPU: 88 %
          : Total CPU cycles used: 1202459
     ISR0                : STACK: unused 872 usage 1240 / 2112 (58 %)

    I cant see any thread starving of stack. I would like to know what you think.



  • I run thread analyzer just before calling ' error = otDatasetCreateNewNetwork(instance, &aDataset); // create new dataset' and I get the following.

     Thread stop Thread analyze:
     CoAP-sock-recv      : STACK: unused 592 usage 408 / 1000 (40 %); CPU: 0 %
          : Total CPU cycles used: 1
     rx_q[0]             : STACK: unused 1272 usage 328 / 1600 (20 %); CPU: 0 %
          : Total CPU cycles used: 103
     openthread          : STACK: unused 3500 usage 2676 / 6176 (43 %); CPU: 0 %
          : Total CPU cycles used: 3834
     ot_radio_workq      : STACK: unused 512 usage 448 / 960 (46 %); CPU: 0 %
          : Total CPU cycles used: 119
     nrf5_rx             : STACK: unused 408 usage 328 / 736 (44 %); CPU: 0 %
          : Total CPU cycles used: 64
     sysworkq            : STACK: unused 1608 usage 376 / 1984 (18 %); CPU: 10 %
          : Total CPU cycles used: 149404
     MPSL Work           : STACK: unused 568 usage 392 / 960 (40 %); CPU: 0 %
          : Total CPU cycles used: 117
     shell_uart          : STACK: unused 1152 usage 2016 / 3168 (63 %); CPU: 0 %
          : Total CPU cycles used: 2700
     logging             : STACK: unused 1432 usage 616 / 2048 (30 %); CPU: 0 %
          : Total CPU cycles used: 1568
     idle                : STACK: unused 272 usage 48 / 320 (15 %); CPU: 88 %
          : Total CPU cycles used: 1202459
     ISR0                : STACK: unused 872 usage 1240 / 2112 (58 %)

    I cant see any thread starving of stack. I would like to know what you think.


