AT Host FAILED: Cannot connect to J-Link.

Hello, I'm following along the nRF Asset Tracker guide and I'm on the step 'Create device credentials'

Running the command

' ./ create-and-provision-device-cert --debug' 

I get this output:

AT Host SEGGER J-Link Commander V7.96q (Compiled Jun 28 2024 12:35:48)
AT Host DLL version V7.96q, compiled Jun 28 2024 12:35:36
AT Host J-Link Command File read successfully.
AT Host Processing script file...
AT Host J-Link>h
AT Host J-Link connection not established yet but required for command.
AT Host Connecting to J-Link via USB...
AT Host FAILED: Cannot connect to J-Link.
AT Host J-Link>w4 4001e504 2
AT Host J-Link connection not established yet but required for command.
AT Host Connecting to J-Link via USB...
AT Host FAILED: Cannot connect to J-Link.
AT Host J-Link>w4 4001e50c 1
AT Host J-Link connection not established yet but required for command.
AT Host Connecting to J-Link via USB...
AT Host FAILED: Cannot connect to J-Link.
AT Host J-Link>sleep 100
AT Host Sleep(100)
AT Host J-Link>rx 1000
AT Host J-Link connection not established yet but required for command.
AT Host Connecting to J-Link via USB...
AT Host FAILED: Cannot connect to J-Link.
AT Host J-Link>h

Any ideas on how to fix this issue? Thanks in advance

Parents Reply Children
  • Hi Dejan,

    I’m on a M2 MacBook Pro with MacOS Sonoma 14.

    I’m using J-Link 7.96q. I’ve tried with 7.95, 7.94 and 7.88 as well. Same error with each. 

    The board I have is the Thingy91.

  • Hi,

    Have you tried updating Thingy91 firmware using Programmer or running separate updates on nrf52840 and nrf9160? Do you see the same error after this?

    Best regards,

  • Hi Dejan, 

    Yes, I updated the connectivity bridge, modem firmware and application firmware following the guide you posted.  In nRF cloud I can see my thingy91 with the following device info:

    App Version:
    Hw Ver:
    nRF9160 SICA B1A
    Modem Firmware:
    Sdk Ver:
    Zephyr Ver:
    Running './ create-and-provision-device-cert --debug' to create device credentials per the Asset Tracker v2 setup guide produces this output:

    Flashing certificate /dev/tty.usbmodem1104
    Connecting to /dev/tty.usbmodem1104
    Inactivity timeout 10 seconds
    /dev/tty.usbmodem1104 connected
    AT Host h
    w4 4001e504 2
    w4 4001e50c 1
    sleep 100
    rx 1000
    w4 4001e504 1
    loadfile /Users/user/nrf-asset-tracker/aws/node_modules/@nordicsemiconductor/device-helpers/at_host/thingy91_at_host_increased_buf.hex
    rx 1000
    AT Host SEGGER J-Link Commander V7.94e (Compiled Jan 15 2024 15:15:51)
    AT Host DLL version V7.94e, compiled Jan 15 2024 15:15:39
    AT Host J-Link Command File read successfully.
    AT Host Processing script file...
    AT Host J-Link>h
    AT Host J-Link connection not established yet but required for command.
    AT Host Connecting to J-Link via USB...
    AT Host FAILED: Cannot connect to J-Link.
    AT Host J-Link>w4 4001e504 2
    AT Host J-Link connection not established yet but required for command.
    AT Host Connecting to J-Link via USB...
    AT Host FAILED: Cannot connect to J-Link.

    and so on....

  • Hi,

    Thank you for additional information.

    Based on system requirements, MacOS is not supported. You could try to flash certificates manually using nRF Connect for Desktop. Regarding MacOS support, you can upvote this topic.

    Best regards,

  • Thank you.  Do you have any resources on how to complete the step "Generate and provision the device certificate" using Cellular Monitor in nRF desktop?  The previous step 'Generate a CA certificate' creates a .pem, .key, and .srl files along with a document titled 'currentCA'. 
