Trying to connect nrf52833 with BG95 via PPP and creating a socket to ping

I am trying to ping using PPP connection using BG95 interfaced with nrf52833. I have used the gsm_modem sample code for PPP connection and when "Network connected" event occurs, creating a socket connection for http request. But when connect function is called it gives "Data Access Violation" error. In prj.conf file stack size configuration is "CONFIG_MAIN_STACK_SIZE=4096".

Here is the code file for the reference


Parents Reply
  • Thank you for providing this.

    Can you follow the steps in the debugging lesson I sent you to trace back to which thread and which function calls it is that triggers the MPU fault? Another thought is that you're trying to access something that is outside of the legal memory address range (i.e physical access range).

    Kind regards,
