Bluetooth wont initialize with custom board based on nRF5340dk


I am working on creating a custom board based off the nrf5340dk_nrf5340 board

I am following the tutorial here

I have an application that functions properly when I build it for the nrf5340dk_nrf5340. However when building for my custom board(which is a direct copy of nrf5340dk_nrf5340), the program runs but the Bluetooth fails to initialize.

[00:00:01.455,780] <err> bt_hci_driver: Endpoint binding failed with -11
[00:00:01.463,165] <err> bt_hci_core: HCI driver open failed (-11)

In both cases I am running off the same hardware nrf5340dk_nrf5340 

  • Hello again,

    I see now that I was perhaps I was a bit too quick in my previous response. So your custom board is essentially a copy of the 53DK, but is the only difference here, so I guess we can rule out the SW from being the culprit.

    I assume you missed something when creating the custom board. Good thing you sent it to me. 

    So comparing it to the 5340DK board files, it seems you missed a few files. I assume you've checked that those are okay to skip? And in rxcb_nrf5340_cpuapp.dts there seems to be a typo:

    I see you are not enabling trustzone here but I guess that is fine.

    Here in rxcb_nrf5340_cpunet.dts there is another typo:

    Could you try fixing these typos?

    Regards, and have a good week-end,


  • Hello Elfving,

    Thank you again for the prompt response!

    So I believe I do have trustzone enabled, looking at defconfig for both boards, the only difference is the board name

    As for the other typos you mentioned, may I ask which version of the SDK you are comparing the board file with, in the 2.5.3 I have those lines in nrf5340dk are the same. 

    I have attached my nrf5340dk board file just as a sanity check.


    Thanks again for the assistance.

  • Hello Elfving,

    Thank you again for the prompt response!

    So I believe I do have trustzone enabled, looking at defconfig for both boards, the only difference is the board name

    As for the other typos you mentioned, may I ask which version of the SDK you are comparing the board file with, in the 2.5.3 I have those lines in nrf5340dk are the same. 

    I have attached my nrf5340dk board file just as a sanity check.


    Thanks again for the assistance.

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