CONFIG_TFM_ITS_ENCRYPTED=y seems broken on 2.6.x


Using the sample PSA Protected Storage on the nrf5340 DK with NCS v2.6.1 (and v2.5.2). My prj.conf contains these settings:

# Copyright (c) 2021 Nordic Semiconductor ASA
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0


# this settings makes the nrf53 rebooting whole the time on NCS v2.6.x :-(



I flash the sample provisioning_image first. Next I flash the PSA PS storage sample build with v2.6.x. With v.2.6.x I see TF-M logging indicating constant rebooting. Here's the output from TF-M, UART0. There's no logging on UART1:

*** Booting nRF Connect SDK v3.5.99-ncs1-1 ***
The UICR->APPROTECT register is now configured to deny debugging access for the network core!
Writing random Hardware Unique Keys to the KMU.
[Sec Thread] Secure image initializing!
TF-M isolation level is: 0x00000001
Booting TF-M v2.0.0
Creating an empty ITS flash layout.
Creating an empty PS flash layout.
[INF][Crypto] Provisioning entropy seed... [Sec Thread] Secure image initializing!
TF-M isolation level is: 0x00000001
Booting TF-M v2.0.0
[INF][Crypto] Provisioning entropy seed... [Sec Thread] Secure image initializing!
TF-M isolation level is: 0x00000001
Booting TF-M v2.0.0
... continues repeating like this ...

With NCS v2.5.2 I do not see any logging on UART0 but UART1 shows correct output from the application:
*** Booting nRF Connect SDK v3.5.99-ncs1-1 ***
[00:00:00.410,369] <inf> provisioning_image: Successfully verified PSA lifecycle state ASSEMBLY!
[00:00:00.410,430] <inf> provisioning_image: Successfully switched to PSA lifecycle state PROVISIONING!
[00:00:00.410,430] <inf> provisioning_image: Generating random HUK keys (including MKEK)
[00:00:00.473,571] <inf> provisioning_image: Writing the identity key to KMU
[00:00:00.473,602] <wrn> identity_key: WARNING: Using a dummy identity key not meant for production!
[00:00:00.474,700] <inf> provisioning_image: Success!
*** Booting nRF Connect SDK v2.5.2 ***
Protected Storage sample started.
PSA Protected Storage API Version 1.0
Writing data to UID1: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Info on data stored in UID1:
- Size: 44
- Capacity: 0x 1
- Flags: 0x 0
Read and compare data stored in UID1
Data stored in UID1: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Overwriting data stored in UID1: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Writing data to UID2 with overwrite protection: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Attempting to write 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet' to UID2
Got expected error (PSA_ERROR_NOT_PERMITTED) when writing to protected UID
Removing UID1

Should I add another setting(s) when building with v2.6.x to make CONFIG_TFM_ITS_ENCRYPTED work at runtime? I have been trying lots of different settings already last couple of days.

There likely is no release test case to verify the usage of CONFIG_TFM_ITS_ENCRYPTED at runtime on real hardware (if so, one should not have released v2.6.x). If there is no test case, how can one guarantee that CONFIG_TFM_ITS_ENCRYPTED is actually "encrypting" even in NCS v2.5.2? And that there will be no regression introduced in later versions? Might the test case be missing from the upstream TF-M project? I could add an issue in their github repo?

Thank you!

Kind regards,

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