nRF52840 dk does not advertise

Hello, I am going through the Bluetooth Low Energy Fundamentals provided by Nordic. 

My nrf 52840 dk could function fine after lesson1, but when I flash my board with the lesson 2 exercise 1 solution, the board does not advertise. Here is the link to the lesson I am referring to. 

I am new to this chip, so I would appreciate it if you would help me out on this. 

  • Hi 

    Do you have any log from the DK? Which version of NCS and the toolchain do you use?



  • Thanks for the reply 

    I do not get any logs from the device. I went back to the RF Connect SDK Fundamentals course and flashed my board with lesson 4 exercise 2 solution code which was the intro to log and I was getting log messages.  I did make sure that I have log enabled in the proj.config file and use the macro LOG_MODULE_REGISTER in my BLE program. 

    I commented out everything in the program except for  LOG_MODULE_REGISTER, and a LOG_INF and still did not get anything printed. Any suggestion?

    The version of the toolchain I use is 2.5.2 

  • Thanks for the reply, 

    I updated my toolchain to v2.7 and NCS to v2.6, but still nothing. I recorded my screen and reviewed different files and parts of the program. Please watch it and let me know if you see anything wrong. 

    I would appreciate the help.  

  • Hi 

    Please use the same toolchain version as the sdk version. Also I see you have the 52840dongle as the build target and not the 52840dk. Try to switch to the DK as build target, rebuild the application and flash it



  • It worked. I was missing that, thanks for pointing it out. 

    I have one more question. I have a custom PCB with nrf52840 chip. I want to program it with the nrf52840 dk but not sure how I can do it in VS code. I know I have to make 4 connections ( VCC, GND, SWDIO, and SWDCLK), but other than that not sure how to configure the code to flash the custom PCB. 

    Most forums I have seen have used an IDE different from VS code. 

    Could you please guide me on how to do it? 



  • Hi

    Glad to hear it worked. 

    Mohammad Riahi said:

    I have one more question. I have a custom PCB with nrf52840 chip. I want to program it with the nrf52840 dk but not sure how I can do it in VS code. I know I have to make 4 connections ( VCC, GND, SWDIO, and SWDCLK), but other than that not sure how to configure the code to flash the custom PCB. 

    No problem, just follow the instruction from here and then select the DK as target for your application and flash it. It's same if you use VScode or nrfjprog



  • Thanks for the reply, 

    I have a few questions about the info on the provided link. 

    1. If I understand correctly, If I short the SB47 bridge, I can use pin 1 to power my external board, but if I do not short the bridge then I need to connect the VCC on my board to pin 1 to detect the external board and target that instead of the onboard SoC right? 

    2. Does SH_VTG mean it is the pin that enables the interface MCU to detect the VCC on my external board and target that instead of the onboard SoC on the DK? 

    3. I prefer using P20 to program the external board because I do not have a 10-pin connector. However, the default connector used to program the external board is P19, do you know how can I change it so that P20 is used to program the external board? 

    4. If I want to use P20 to program the external board, then I need to connect  SH_VTG, SH_SWDIO, SH_SWDCLK, and SH_GND_DETECTon the DK to VCC, SWDIO, SWCLK, and GND on my external board, respectively right? 

    5. It said that the VDD  is 3 V on the DK, on my board VCC is 3.3 V this mismatch won't cause that much of a problem, right? 

  • Thanks for the reply, 

    I have a few questions about the info on the provided link. 

    1. If I understand correctly, If I short the SB47 bridge, I can use pin 1 to power my external board, but if I do not short the bridge then I need to connect the VCC on my board to pin 1 to detect the external board and target that instead of the onboard SoC right? 

    2. Does SH_VTG mean it is the pin that enables the interface MCU to detect the VCC on my external board and target that instead of the onboard SoC on the DK? 

    3. I prefer using P20 to program the external board because I do not have a 10-pin connector. However, the default connector used to program the external board is P19, do you know how can I change it so that P20 is used to program the external board? 

    4. If I want to use P20 to program the external board, then I need to connect  SH_VTG, SH_SWDIO, SH_SWDCLK, and SH_GND_DETECTon the DK to VCC, SWDIO, SWCLK, and GND on my external board, respectively right? 

    5. It said that the VDD  is 3 V on the DK, on my board VCC is 3.3 V this mismatch won't cause that much of a problem, right? 

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