Search for iPhone background advertising (peripheral) and is it possible to connect?

I would like to inquire whether there is a sample or guide to search for and connect to iPhone background advertising when operating with nRF52840/5340 Central.

  • Hi,

    I am not aware of any samples or guides specifically for connecting to iPhone background advertising, but the general solution would be the same regardless of what device is the BLE advertiser. You should therefore be able to test this with a central sample from the nRF Connect SDK, with some minor modification.

    Bluetooth Central samples are listed among other samples on the nRF Connect SDK Bluetooth samples and Zephyr Bluetooth samples documentation pages. Please note that the samples in the SDK are for specific BLE services, and so they typically connect to devices advertising those services or based on device name.

    In order to do any useful work, you also must implement the central side of the services from the peripheral. You can use models already implemented in the SDK for reference, such as e.g. the Nordic UART Service (NUS) Client, which is the central side model for connecting to a NUS Server. The first step, however, would be to successfully establish the BLE connection.

    If you are unfamiliar with Bluetooth Low Energy and/or the nRF Connect SDK, then I recommend having a look at Bluetooth Low Energy Fundamentals.


  • Hi,

    I am not aware of any samples or guides specifically for connecting to iPhone background advertising, but the general solution would be the same regardless of what device is the BLE advertiser. You should therefore be able to test this with a central sample from the nRF Connect SDK, with some minor modification.

    Bluetooth Central samples are listed among other samples on the nRF Connect SDK Bluetooth samples and Zephyr Bluetooth samples documentation pages. Please note that the samples in the SDK are for specific BLE services, and so they typically connect to devices advertising those services or based on device name.

    In order to do any useful work, you also must implement the central side of the services from the peripheral. You can use models already implemented in the SDK for reference, such as e.g. the Nordic UART Service (NUS) Client, which is the central side model for connecting to a NUS Server. The first step, however, would be to successfully establish the BLE connection.

    If you are unfamiliar with Bluetooth Low Energy and/or the nRF Connect SDK, then I recommend having a look at Bluetooth Low Energy Fundamentals.


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