Search for iPhone background advertising (peripheral) and is it possible to connect?

I would like to inquire whether there is a sample or guide to search for and connect to iPhone background advertising when operating with nRF52840/5340 Central.

Parents Reply
  • Hi,

    From the information under The bluetooth-peripheral Background Execution Mode in the Core Bluetooth Programming Guide from Apple, it looks like the Apple device in background mode does not advertise the device name, and does not advertise any service UUID. This is in accordance with what you have seen. Please note that those two are the main pieces of advertising data that a central uses to decide which device to connect to.

    I assume that device name and service UUIDs are turned off in background mode primarily for privacy reasons. This means I would not expect there to be other static information in the advertisements which can be used to recognize the device.

    You can use nRF Connect for Desktop with the BLE app, or nRF Connect for Mobile (iOs or Android), to investigate the contents of advertisements, and see if there are any other fields which you can use for identifying the advertising iOS device. If you have previously connected to the device, then there might be an option to recognize it based on device address. I would expect the adress in that case to be a resolvable random address, which requires you to have bonded with the device earlier in order to get the identity address, which would allow you to recognize the device.

    If the iOS device is not using a resolvable address for the advertising, then most likely there is no easy way to recognize the device. One option then would be to connect to any device with unknown name and no service UUIDs, and figure out whether or not this was the correct device after connection.


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