How to communicate the nRF5340 DK and the nRF5340 Audio DK over BLE.


I am currently working on communicating between the nRF5340 DK and the nRF5340 Audio DK over BLE. Could you please share the information flow?

Warm regards,

Parents Reply
  • Hi Rajendra,

    I'm too trying to configure nRF5340 DK as a GATEWAY as my other device is a nRF5340 AUDIO DK running as a HEADSET. I tried in many ways but, I failed to configure the nRF5340 DK as a GATEWAY. Its good to know that you are successful in the attempt. Could you tell me the sample file you used for this? I tried with central_uart BLE sample but, it was of no use. 

    Please guide me on this. 

    Thanks & Regards,


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