How to communicate the nRF5340 DK and the nRF5340 Audio DK over BLE.


I am currently working on communicating between the nRF5340 DK and the nRF5340 Audio DK over BLE. Could you please share the information flow?

Warm regards,

  • Hi, 

    You can use the 'ACL' which runs alongside the ISO to control the stream as a regular BLE connection. Please be aware of the current limitation of Softdice Controller concurrently supporting 2 ISO + 2 ACLs, which means you could do 2 ACL + 2 BIS, or 2 CIS (since 1 CIS requires both 1 ACL and 1 ISO).

    See an example of how quickly/easily additional services can be added to the nRF5340 Audio reference application here.

    Amanda H.

  • Hi amanda,

    I am a beginner at Nordic. Could you please give me more information and any source code or video communication.

    Warm Regards,

  • Hi Amanda,

    I am working on the 2.6.0 SDK. But the given sample is 2.3.0 SDK. I tried to build the above but got the below errors.

    $ python -p -c both -b release -d both
    | snr | snr conn | device | only reboot | core app programmed | core net programmed |
    | 682270930 | ←[32mTrue←[0m | headset | Not selected | Selected TBD | Selected TBD |
    | 1000 | ←[33mFalse←[0m | gateway | Not selected | Selected TBD | Selected TBD |
    | 1000 | ←[33mFalse←[0m | headset | Not selected | Selected TBD | Selected TBD |
    Invoking build step
    Net core uses precompiled hex
    Run: west build C:\ncs\sdk-nrf-iso_peripheral_example\applications\nrf5340_audio -b nrf5340_audio_dk_nrf5340_cpuapp -d C:\ncs\sdk-nrf-iso_peripheral_example\applications\nrf5340_audio\build\dev_headset\build_release
    ERROR: Build directory "C:\ncs\sdk-nrf-iso_peripheral_example\applications\nrf5340_audio\build\dev_headset\build_release" is for application "C:\Users\DELL\Downloads\sdk-nrf-iso_peripheral_example\applications\nrf5340_audio", but source directory "C:\ncs\sdk-nrf-iso_peripheral_example\applications\nrf5340_audio" was specified; please clean it, use --pristine, or use --build-dir to set another build directory
    FATAL ERROR: refusing to proceed without --force due to above error
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "C:\ncs\sdk-nrf-iso_peripheral_example\applications\nrf5340_audio\tools\buildprog\", line 406, in <module>
    File "C:\ncs\sdk-nrf-iso_peripheral_example\applications\nrf5340_audio\tools\buildprog\", line 389, in __main
    __build_module(build_cfg, options)
    File "C:\ncs\sdk-nrf-iso_peripheral_example\applications\nrf5340_audio\tools\buildprog\", line 149, in __build_module
    raise Exception("cmake error: " + str(ret_val))
    Exception: cmake error: 1

    NOTE: I need BLE client on nrf5340 Audio dk

    Warm Regards,

  • Check out this post  nRF5340 Audio - configure gateway unit also as ACL peripheral  

    We are currently understaffed due to the summer vacation period, so delayed replies must be expected. I am sorry about any inconvenience this might cause.

  • Hi Amanda Hsieh,

    Issue: Mismatched Service UUIDs in BLE Communication Between nRF5340 Audio DK and nRF5340 DK

    I have tried to establish BLE communication between the nRF5340 Audio DK and nRF5340 DK, but the services are not matching.
    The nRF5340 Audio DK uses a 16-bit service UUID, while the nRF5340 DK uses a 128-bit service UUID.
    This discrepancy is preventing successful communication between the two device.

    Warm Regards,
  • What service did you add to the audio application? 

    What service would you want to connect on the nRF5340DK?

  • Hi Amanda,

    Thanks for response,

    I'm successfully communicating between the nRF5340 DK (GATEWAY) and the nRF5340 Audio DK (HEADSET) over BLE.
    However, when I try to share the audio stream from the GATEWAY to the HEADSET, I'm getting a beep or sinusoidal sound on the nRF5340 Audio DK.

    How can I correctly transmit the audio data to the nRF5340 Audio DK.

    Could you please guide me on this.


    Warm Regards,

  • Hi Amanda,

    Thanks for response,

    I'm successfully communicating between the nRF5340 DK (GATEWAY) and the nRF5340 Audio DK (HEADSET) over BLE.
    However, when I try to share the audio stream from the GATEWAY to the HEADSET, I'm getting a beep or sinusoidal sound on the nRF5340 Audio DK.

    How can I correctly transmit the audio data to the nRF5340 Audio DK.

    Could you please guide me on this.


    Warm Regards,
