Segger Studio update 7.22 to 8.14 causes exit error 0x1


I have updated finally Segger Studio from version 7.22 to 8.14. Now I cannot compile the project. It ends with below error:

Build failed, exit status 0x1

Is something needed to make it working?

  • And also echo build command line:

    "/Applications/SEGGER/SEGGER Embedded Studio 8.14a/bin/emBuild" "/Applications/SEGGER/SEGGER Embedded Studio 8.14a/source/arm_segger_studio_auto.emProject" -config "V7EM FPv4-SP-D16 THUMB LE Hard Balanced WCHAR32 EnumMinSize Release" -project all -lock "/Applications/SEGGER/SEGGER Embedded Studio 8.14a/lib/V7EM FPv4-SP-D16 THUMB LE Hard Balanced WCHAR32 EnumMinSize Release build.lck"
