Trouble creating a create a certificate signing request on nrf5340 for BLE Mesh Certificate based provisioning.

So basically, I am have created a key pair using the Identity key generation example and exported the public key using Identity key usage example. Now i need to create a certificate signing request, so I am trying to follow the PSA Crypto example to do the same. But it is not building as I facing the following error:

<command-line>: fatal error: user-tls-conf.h: No such file or directory

please help me with the same

Parents Reply
  • After looking further I have noticed that when build files are generated the nrf-config.h file does not have MBEDTLS_USE_PSA_CRYPTO defined. I have tried creating a custom header file for mbedtls but I keep getting the error that no file or directory found. I would request you to ignore the previous comment. I have defined the MBEDTLS_USE_PSA_CRYPTO in the custom header that I have created and i need help to add it to the include path. PFA the zip file

    I have been able to define MBEDTLS_USE_PSA_CRYPTO by editing legacy_crypto_config.h.template file in the directory but my question still exists on how to add custom header files to include path
