VSCode Extension Failed to Fetch Available Toolchains

1. Clean install of updated Windows 10 Pro.

2. Install latest VSCode.

3. Install nRF command line tools (10.24.2)

4. Install VSCode extension v2023.11.3 (also tried newer version available in VSCode).

5. Click "Install Tool Chain"

6. Receive error message "Failed to fetch available toolchains".

7. Output console shows text below.

8. Attempting to go to URL in Browser displays JFrog logo (!) and tries to redirect.

[16:44:58] nRF Command Line Tools 10.24.2 are up to date
[16:45:03] nrfutil-toolchain-manager: Error: Failed to retrieve toolchain-index

Caused by:
    0: Failed to download index
    1: Get request failed
    2: files.nordicsemi.com/.../index-windows-x86_64.json: Connection Failed: tls connection init failed: invalid peer certificate: UnknownIssuer
    3: invalid peer certificate: UnknownIssuer

[16:47:42] nrfutil-toolchain-manager: Error: Failed to retrieve toolchain-index