VSCode Extension Failed to Fetch Available Toolchains

1. Clean install of updated Windows 10 Pro.

2. Install latest VSCode.

3. Install nRF command line tools (10.24.2)

4. Install VSCode extension v2023.11.3 (also tried newer version available in VSCode).

5. Click "Install Tool Chain"

6. Receive error message "Failed to fetch available toolchains".

7. Output console shows text below.

8. Attempting to go to URL in Browser displays JFrog logo (!) and tries to redirect.

[16:44:58] nRF Command Line Tools 10.24.2 are up to date
[16:45:03] nrfutil-toolchain-manager: Error: Failed to retrieve toolchain-index

Caused by:
    0: Failed to download index
    1: Get request failed
    2: files.nordicsemi.com/.../index-windows-x86_64.json: Connection Failed: tls connection init failed: invalid peer certificate: UnknownIssuer
    3: invalid peer certificate: UnknownIssuer

[16:47:42] nrfutil-toolchain-manager: Error: Failed to retrieve toolchain-index
  • Hi,

    5. Click "Install Tool Chain"

    Did you try to do this from VS Code (Managing toolchains->Install Toolchain)?

    You could try to install Toolchain Manager using "nrfutil install toolchain-manager" or from nRF Connect for Desktop, and then install specific toolchain via Toolchain Manager. 

    Best regards,

  • Yes, as per the repro above, I clicked on Install Tool Chain in VS Code. 

    Re manual installation, I'm doing that now, and I think I've got the toolchain installed.

    But you're not exactly filling me with confidence when a published method of installation fails like this...

  • I installed the toolchain and SDK manually, and now VS Code seems to be able to recognize and update them.  But why should that be necessary? Your published steps should work, now? I also have to say the whole environment seems incredibly delicate. I'm running in a VM and I can't count how many times I've had to reset because, for example, the build configurations just disappear. ("Cannot read properties of undefined (reading deviceType)" shows as an error, but unsure if this is anything to do with it.) Is there a definitive, step-by-step how to on setting up the environment that actually works?

  • If I install the VS Code extension, and then from the command line run:

    nrfutil install toolchain-manager

    nrfutil toolchain-manager search

    ...then the extension can find the toolchain and SDKlist.

    I'm now doing (yet another!!!) clean install to see if I can get a stable environment.

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