nRF9160 External SIP Serial Communication.


We have our custom PCB with an nRF9160 SIP that is connected to a nRF9161-DK via P20. I have a couple questions about this setup.

  1. Is it fine for us to program the external nRF9160 SIP with a nRF9161-DK? We'll soon upgrade to the 61 chips, so thought we would saving purchasing an nRF9160-DK.
  2. We can successfully flash and make LEDs blink with this setup. However, when we try to communicate with the board using the serial terminal (and AT_Client example successfully flashed), it appears to continue working only with the nRF9161 SIP that is on the DK. We want to test eh AT_Client with our external SIP.
    1. Is there something we need to do physically beyond using just the SWD pins to enable serial communication.
    2. Our board configuration selected is the nRF9160dk_nrf9160. Do we need to adjust this to enable serial communication with the external SIP.

