Incorrect tree structure after manual installation

I followed the MacOS command line installation instructions at

After running `west update`, it says the tree structure should be:

├─── toolchains
│  └─── <toolchain-installation>
└─── <west-workspace>
   ├─── .west
   ├─── bootloader
   ├─── modules
   ├─── nrf
   ├─── nrfxlib
   ├─── zephyr
   └─── ...

However, mine is:

├── .west
├── bootloader
├── downloads
├── modules
├── nrf
├── nrfxlib
├── test
├── tmp
├── toolchains
├── tools
└── zephyr

Did I have to create a `v2.7.0` directory and move to it before running the west init and update commands?
