Incorrect tree structure after manual installation

I followed the MacOS command line installation instructions at

After running `west update`, it says the tree structure should be:

├─── toolchains
│  └─── <toolchain-installation>
└─── <west-workspace>
   ├─── .west
   ├─── bootloader
   ├─── modules
   ├─── nrf
   ├─── nrfxlib
   ├─── zephyr
   └─── ...

However, mine is:

├── .west
├── bootloader
├── downloads
├── modules
├── nrf
├── nrfxlib
├── test
├── tmp
├── toolchains
├── tools
└── zephyr

Did I have to create a `v2.7.0` directory and move to it before running the west init and update commands?

  • Hi,

    Yes, you must manually create the v2.7.0 directory and run the west init command inside that directory if you want the SDK installed under a specific version directory. There are no issues with having the SDK installed directly under the ncs directory as you have, but if you want to have more than one version of the SDK installed, then having them in separate directories is recommended.

    Best regards,

  • Hi,

    Yes, you must manually create the v2.7.0 directory and run the west init command inside that directory if you want the SDK installed under a specific version directory. There are no issues with having the SDK installed directly under the ncs directory as you have, but if you want to have more than one version of the SDK installed, then having them in separate directories is recommended.

    Best regards,

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