VS Code error squiggles


First of all, let me confess, I am new to VS Code - NRF SDK environment.

I have a VS Code setup with NRF extensions enabled and due to some reason, the error squiggles in the VS Code highlights all the includes files and data type specifiers like uint8_t, uint16_t...

Attached the screenshot of the highlights error squiggles.

I see this on all of my program files.

The program builds fine and is working fine, no issues with that. 

Seeing so much red highlight does not look good right.

Please help me to setup environment neat so that my code also looks neat.

Thank you in advance.

Parents Reply Children
  • May I know how to disable IntelliSense without effecting autocomplete suggestions, auto-indentation, etc.

    As above are very useful features. I also need these error squiggles as it is very useful to clear error when typing itself rather than waiting for build results.

    Also may I know where can I find the compiler path for NRF SDK to execute from VS Code?

  • Jithin A said:

    May I know how to disable IntelliSense without effecting autocomplete suggestions, auto-indentation, etc.

    That question should be directed to the people that develop VS Code,

    Jithin A said:
    Also may I know where can I find the compiler path for NRF SDK to execute from VS Code?

    If you want to build it from command line then you have to use west, otherwise use the VS code nRF Connect extension. See this,


